Principal Software Practice Lead
In this exercise, we will set up Confluent Cloud and establish a connection from a Flink application to the cluster. In future exercises, we'll expand on this framework to produce queries focused on an online marketplace.
These exercises use the code provided by the following Github repo. To start, clone the repo.
Inside the cloned repository, locate the README and review it before continuing.
If you are using the Dev Container, you can skip this step.
You will need a suitable Java development environment including:
To easily switch between Java versions, you can use SDKMAN.
This project already has many of the settings required to work with the table API. For details on how to setup your own project, check out the Confluent Flink Table API Documentation.
If you already have a Confluent Cloud account, you can skip this step.
If you are using the Dev Container, you can skip this step.
The easiest way to create an environment for this course is using the Confluent CLI.
If you use Homebrew, the CLI can be installed using the following command:
brew install confluentinc/tap/cli
Otherwise, review the following instructions to install the CLI on your machine.
If you are using the Dev Container, you can skip this step.
The confluent-flink-quickstart plugin will create the required resources for the course.
Install the plugin using the following command:
confluent plugin install confluent-flink-quickstart
You will need to log in to your Confluent Cloud account with the CLI. You can do that using the following command:
confluent login
If you are working in the Dev Container, it may not be able to open a browser to do the login. In that case, you can use the following command instead:
confluent login --no-browser
For this course, you need the following resources:
These resources can all be created by running the Confluent CLI command below.
Feel free to alter the cloud and region to something more appropriate for your location. However, make sure that if you change it, you use the same settings throughout the course.
confluent flink quickstart \
--name flink-table-api-java \
--environment-name flink-table-api-java \
--kafka-cluster-name marketplace \
--max-cfu 10 \
--region us-central1 \
--cloud gcp \
--table-api-client-config-file ./
When you execute the command it will generate a file with the necessary parameters to connect your application to the cluster. Hold on to that file.
Once you have finished creating your environment, you might want to take a moment to explore it. In Confluent Cloud you should be able to see your environment named flink-table-api-java. It should contain a Kafka cluster named marketplace and a Flink compute pool named flink-table-api-java.
Stage the exercise by executing:
$ cd exercises
$ ./ stage 01
If you are using the Dev Container, you can skip this step.
Import the project (Maven POM file) from the exercises folder into your IDE.
Copy the file you created above into src/main/resources/
A file has been provided for reference.
Confluent Cloud includes a read-only set of Flink tables in a sandbox-link environment. These tables can be used for experimentation and testing. For a simple test of the connection parameters, we can ask the Table API to list those tables.
In the src/main/java/marketplace/Marketplace class, implement the main method as follows:
Use the ConfluentSettings class to load the configuration from the file:
EnvironmentSettings settings = ConfluentSettings.fromResource("/YOUR.PROPERTIES.FILE");
You must prefix your properties file with the / as shown above.
Create a new table environment using the settings:
TableEnvironment env = TableEnvironment.create(settings);
Set the catalog to examples and the database to marketplace.
env.useCatalog(<Catalog Name>);
env.useDatabase(<Database Name>);
Use env.listTables() to produce a list of tables in the database and print the results.
Finally, we'll run the application to verify it works as expected.
In a terminal, execute the application by running the commands:
mvn clean package
java -jar target/flink-table-api-marketplace-0.1.jar
Assuming you have done everything correctly you should see the following tables printed:
This brings us to the end of this exercise.
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