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Confluent Schema Registry

6 min
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Tim Berglund

VP Developer Relations

Confluent Schema Registry

Once applications are busily producing messages to Apache Kafka and consuming messages from it, two things will happen. First, new consumers of existing topics will emerge. These are brand new applications—perhaps written by the team that wrote the original producer of the messages, perhaps by another team—and will need to understand the format of the messages in the topic. Second, the format of those messages will evolve as the business evolves. Order objects gain a new status field, usernames split into first and last name from full name, and so on. The schema of our domain objects is a constantly moving target, and we must have a way of agreeing on the schema of messages in any given topic.

Confluent Schema Registry exists to solve this problem.

What Is Schema Registry?

Schema Registry is a standalone server process that runs on a machine external to the Kafka brokers. Its job is to maintain a database of all of the schemas that have been written into topics in the cluster for which it is responsible. That “database” is persisted in an internal Kafka topic and cached in Schema Registry for low-latency access. Schema Registry can be run in a redundant, high-availability configuration, so it remains up if one instance fails.

Schema Registry is also an API that allows producers and consumers to predict whether the message they are about to produce or consume is compatible with previous versions. When a producer is configured to use Schema Registry, it calls an API at the Schema Registry REST endpoint and presents the schema of the new message. If it is the same as the last message produced, then the produce may succeed. If it is different from the last message but matches the compatibility rules defined for the topic, the produce may still succeed. But if it is different in a way that violates the compatibility rules, the produce will fail in a way that the application code can detect.

Likewise on the consume side, if a consumer reads a message that has an incompatible schema from the version the consumer code expects, Schema Registry will tell it not to consume the message. Schema Registry doesn’t fully automate the problem of schema evolution—that is a challenge in any system regardless of the tooling—but it does make a difficult problem much easier by preventing runtime failures when possible.

Looking at what we’ve covered so far, we’ve got a system for storing events durably, the ability to write and read those events, a data integration framework, and even a tool for managing evolving schemas. What remains is the purely computational side of stream processing.

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Confluent Schema Registry

Hey, Tim Berglund with Confluent to talk to you about a Confluent Schema Registry. Now once applications are busily producing messages to Kafka and consuming messages from it, two things are gonna happen. First, new consumers of existing topics are going to emerge. These are brand new applications. They might be written by the same team that wrote the original producer of those messages, maybe by another team, maybe by people you don't even know, that just depending on how your organization works. That's a perfectly normal thing for new consumers to emerge written by new people. And they're going to need to understand the format of the messages in the topic. Second, the format of those messages is going to evolve as the business evolves. For example, order objects, that's an object that represents an order, customer places an order, and here's an object representing that order. They might gain new status field or usernames might be split into first or last from full name or the reverse. And so on, things change. There is no such thing as getting it all right up front, the world changes. And so the schema of our stuff has to change with it. The schema of our domain objects is a constantly moving target. And we have to have a way of agreeing on that schema, the schema of those messages in whatever topic we're thinking about at the moment. The Confluent Schema Registry exists to solve precisely this problem. So, Schema Registry is a standalone server process that runs on a machine external to the Kafka brokers. So it looks like an application to the Kafka cluster, it looks like a producer or a consumer. And there's a little bit more to it than that, but at minimum it is that. Its job is to maintain a database of all of the schemas that have been written into topics in the cluster for which it is responsible. Now that database is persisted in an internal Kafka topic, this should come as no surprise to you, and it's cached in the Schema Registry for low latency access. This is very typical, by the way, for an element of the Kafka ecosystem to be built out of Kafka, you know, we needed a distributed fault tolerant data store, well, here's Kafka presenting itself. So we use it, we use a topic to store those schemas. A Schema Registry can be run in a redundant high availability configuration if you like. So it remains up if one instance fails. Now, Schema Registry is also an API that allows producers and consumers to predict whether the message they're about to produce or consume is compatible with previous versions or compatible with the version that they're expecting. When a producer is configured to use the Schema Registry, it calls at produce time, an API at the Schema Registry REST endpoint. So Schema Registry is up there, maintaining this database, also has a REST interface. Producer calls that REST endpoint and presents the schema of the new message. If it's the same as the last message produced, then the produce may succeed. If it's different from the last message, but matches the compatibility rules defined for the topic, the produce may still succeed. If it's different in a way that will violate the compatibility rules, the produce will fail in a way that the application code can detect. There'll be a failure condition it can detect and, you know, dutifully of course produce that exception stacktrace to the browser, no way don't do that, you could responsibly handle that condition. But you are made aware of that condition, rather than producing data that is gonna be incompatible down the line. Likewise, on the consumer side, if a consumer reads a message that has an incompatible schema from the version that the consumer code expects, Schema Registry will tell it not to consume the message. It doesn't fully automate the problem of schema evolution, and frankly, nothing does. That's always a challenge in any system that serializes anything, regardless of the tooling. But it does make a difficult problem much easier by keeping the runtime failures from happening when possible. Also, if you're worried about all these rest round trips, and that sounds really slow. Of course, all this stuff gets cached in the producer and the consumer when you're using Schema Registry. So these schemas have immutable IDs, and once I've checked once, you know, that's gonna be cached locally, and I don't need to keep doing those round trips. That's usually just a warm up thing in terms of performance. A Schema Registry currently supports three serialization formats, JSON, schema, Avro and protobuf. And depending on the format you may have available to you an IDL, an Interface Description Language where you can describe in a source controllable text file, the schema of the objects in question. And in some cases, there's also tooling that will then take that IDL, for example, an Avro you can write an avsc file. That's this nice simple JSON format where you're describing the schema of the object and say if you're using Java, there's a Maven and a Gradle plugin where you can turn that into a Java object. So then not only do you have the ability to eliminate certain classes of runtime failures due to schema evolution, but you've got now a tooling pathway that drives collaboration around schema change to a single file. So if you want to change what an order is, and add a new status field to an order, well, technically what that means is, you change the IDL, you edit avsc file. And the process that you now have for collaborating around that schema change, well, that's the same process you have for collaborating around any schema change. For most of us, that's a pull request, right? You do that thing in a branch and you submit a PR and people talk about it, and then it gets done and everybody has that change, and the tooling updates the object and the Schema Registry at runtime tells you whether that's gonna work, there's even a way to do it at build time, before you deploy the code to find out whether this is gonna be a breaking change or not, if it's not, obvious in the case of complex domain objects. So, all kinds of very, very helpful things. I would go so far this is a slightly opinionated statement to say that in any non-trivial system, using Schema Registry is non negotiable. Again, there are going to be people writing consumers at some point, that maybe you haven't talked to them, you haven't had a chance to fully mind meld with them on what's going on with the schema in that topic. They need a standard and automated way of learning about it. Also, no matter how good of a job you do up front to defining schema, the world out there changes, your schemas are gonna change. You need a way of managing those evolutions internally, and Confluence Schema Registry helps you with these things.

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