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Becket Qin

Jiangjie (Becket) Qin

Principal Staff Software Engineer



Becket is a PMC member of Apache Flink and Apache Kafka. He is interested in stream and batch unification of computing engines and storage systems. Becket currently works at LinkedIn streams infra team on Apache Flink. Prior to that, he was at Alibaba leading the development of Flink SQL, Flink Connectors, Flink CEP, PyFlink, Flink ML among other Flink ecosystem projects.

Involvement in the community

Becket has a deep involvement in both Apache Kafka and Apache Flink. He started to work on Apache Kafka since 2014 when he was working at LinkedIn. He has contributed to the development of Kafka broker, client and mirror maker. In 2018, Becket extended his interests into Apache Flink and joined Alibaba, where he led the development of many components in Apache Flink. Becket is also a frequent speaker in conferences and meetups talking about Flink and Kafka, as well as stream and batch unification in general.
