Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
Kate Stanley is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat where she works on their Kafka offerings. She has experience running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes, developing enterprise Kafka applications and writing connectors for Kafka Connect. Alongside development, Kate has a passion for presenting and sharing knowledge. She is a regular speaker at technical conferences around the world and is also a Java champion. Kate started her journey with Kafka as part of the Event Streams team at IBM in 2018 and has worked on Kafka projects ever since.
Alongside her work at Red Hat, Kate contributes to multiple projects in the Kafka ecosystem, including the open-source Kafka operator, Strimzi. She has presented Kafka sessions at many technical conferences including the Kafka Summits in London, New York and San Francisco. Kate has also authored a LinkedIn Learning course on running Kafka on Kubernetes and co-authoured a book on Kafka Connect with Mickael Maison.