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How to handle deserialization errors in ksqlDB

How to handle deserialization errors in ksqlDB

How can you identify and manage deserialization errors that cause some events from a Kafka topic to not be written into a stream or table?


During the development of event streaming applications, it is common to have situations where some streams or tables are not receiving some events that have been sent to them. Often this happens because there was a deserialization error due to the event not being in the right format, but that is not so trivial to figure out. In this tutorial, we'll write a program that monitors a stream of sensors. Any deserialization error that happens in this stream will be made available in another stream that can be queried to check errors.

With the KSQL_PROCESSING_LOG you can run a query like the following to track any deserialization errors that may have occurred:

    encode(message->deserializationError->RECORDB64, 'base64', 'utf8') AS MSG,

Running the example


Create Confluent Cloud resources

Login to your Confluent Cloud account:

confluent login --prompt --save

Install a CLI plugin that will streamline the creation of resources in Confluent Cloud:

confluent plugin install confluent-cloud_kickstart

Run the following command to create a Confluent Cloud environment and Kafka cluster. This will create resources in AWS region us-west-2 by default, but you may override these choices by passing the --cloud argument with a value of aws, gcp, or azure, and the --region argument that is one of the cloud provider's supported regions, which you can list by running confluent kafka region list --cloud <CLOUD PROVIDER>

confluent cloud-kickstart --name ksqldb-tutorial \
  --environment-name ksqldb-tutorial \
  --output-format stdout

Now, create a ksqlDB cluster by first getting your user ID of the form u-123456 when you run this command:

confluent iam user list

And then create a ksqlDB cluster called ksqldb-tutorial with access linked to your user account:

confluent ksql cluster create ksqldb-tutorial \
  --credential-identity <USER ID>

Run the commands

Login to the Confluent Cloud Console. Select Environments in the lefthand navigation, and then click the ksqldb-tutorial environment tile. Click the ksqldb-tutorial Kafka cluster tile, and then select Topics in the lefthand navigation. Create a topic called sensors-raw with 1 partition, and in the Messages tab, produce the following two events, one at a time.

{"id": "835226cf-caf6-4c91-a046-359f1d3a6e2e", "timestamp": "2020-01-15 02:25:30", "enabled": true}
{"id": "1a076a64-4a84-40cb-a2e8-2190f3b37465", "timestamp": "2020-01-15 02:30:30", "enabled": "true"}

Next, select ksqlDB in the lefthand navigation.

The cluster may take a few minutes to be provisioned. Once its status is Up, click the cluster name and scroll down to the editor.

In the query properties section at the bottom, change the value for auto.offset.reset to Earliest so that ksqlDB will consume from the beginning of the stream we create.

Enter the following statement in the editor and click Run query. This will create a stream backed by the sensors-raw topic. Note that the enabled field is of type BOOLEAN. The second event that we produced is not compliant as it includes a string Boolean value "true".

CREATE STREAM sensors_raw (id VARCHAR, timestamp VARCHAR, enabled BOOLEAN)
  WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC = 'sensors-raw',
        VALUE_FORMAT = 'JSON',
        TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        PARTITIONS = 1);

Now select from this stream in order to trigger a deserialization error:

FROM sensors_raw

Finally, query the KSQL_PROCESSING_LOG stream to see the deserialization error:

  encode(message->deserializationError->RECORDB64, 'base64', 'utf8') AS MSG,

The query output should look like this:

  "ERRORMESSAGE": "Failed to deserialize value from topic: sensors-raw. Can't convert type. sourceType: TextNode, requiredType: BOOLEAN, path: $.ENABLED",
  "MSG": "{\"id\":\"1a076a64-4a84-40cb-a2e8-2190f3b37465\",\"timestamp\":\"2020-01-15 02:30:30\",\"enabled\":\"true\"}",
  "CAUSE": [
    "Can't convert type. sourceType: TextNode, requiredType: BOOLEAN, path: $.ENABLED",
    "Can't convert type. sourceType: TextNode, requiredType: BOOLEAN, path: .ENABLED",
    "Can't convert type. sourceType: TextNode, requiredType: BOOLEAN"

Clean up

When you are finished, delete the ksqldb-tutorial environment by first getting the environment ID of the form env-123456 corresponding to it:

confluent environment list

Delete the environment, including all resources created for this tutorial:

confluent environment delete <ENVIRONMENT ID>