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How to create a Kafka producer application in Java

How to create a Kafka producer application in Java

An Apache Kafka® Producer is a client application that publishes (writes) events to a Kafka cluster.

The KafkaProducer class implements multiple send methods, allowing the caller to provide Callback behavior once the event is sent to a Kafka topic. This tutorial will cover examples of both implementations.

Create a Producer and ProducerRecord

There are required properties needed to create a Kafka Producer. At a minimum, the Producer needs to know:

  • How to find the Kafka broker(s).
  • How to serialize the key and value of events.
  final String bootstrapServers = "localhost:9092";
  Properties properties = new Properties() {{
      put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers);
      put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
      put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
      put(ProducerConfig.ACKS_CONFIG, "1");
  Producer<String, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(properties);

For more about Kafka Producer Configurations, please refer to the documentation.

To prepare an event to send, we create instances of ProducerRecord - which include the target topic, key and value, of the event to be sent to Kafka.

    final String key = "...";
    final String value = "...";
    final String topic = "...";
    ProducerRecord<String, String> record = ProducerRecord<>(topic, key, value);

Send, No Callback

Given our ProducerRecord, let's send this record via our Producer.

    Future<RecordMetadata> result = producer.send(record);

Send With Callback

There are times when an application may want a deeper understanding of what occurred when an event was sent to Kafka. In this case we can utilize the implementation of the send method with a Callback function.

The Callback provides a way of handling any actions you want to take on request completion asynchronously. Note that the Callback code executes on the producer’s I/O thread and any time consuming tasks could cause a delay in sending new records, so any code here should be designed to execute quickly.

Here is an example of a Callback - implemented as a lambda - that prints the offset and partition of the event sent to Kafka.

    Callback callback = (recordMetadata, e) -> 
      System.out.println("topic: " + recordMetadata.topic() + 
              "partition: , " + recordMetadata.partition() +
              "offset: , " + recordMetadata.offset());

    // use the callback with the `send` method...
    Future<RecordMetadata> result = producer.send(record, callback);

Using This Example

Execute the Unit Tests

There are JUnit test cases in this repo, exercising examples of both implementations of the send method of KafkaProducer.

Clone the confluentinc/tutorials GitHub repository (if you haven't already) and navigate to the tutorials directory:

git clone
cd tutorials

To run the unit tests, use the provided Gradle Wrapper:

./gradlew clean :kafka-producer-application:kafka:test --info  

The results of the tests can be found in the build/reports/index.html report. Drill down using the links in the report, you should see the results of KafkaProducerApplicationTest:

Test Result

Run with Confluent Local

You can run the example application in this tutorial using confluent local.


Start Kafka

  • Execute confluent local kafka start from a terminal window, and copy the host:port output.
The local commands are intended for a single-node development environment only, NOT for production usage. See more:

Pulling from confluentinc/confluent-local
Digest: sha256:30763749f746295175d6c20b21495fd369b57ca3685175075763865fb6292f6f
Status: Image is up to date for confluentinc/confluent-local:latest
| Kafka REST Port | 8082  |
| Plaintext Ports | 65410 |
Started Confluent Local containers "9cec8b1127".
To continue your Confluent Local experience, run `confluent local kafka topic create <topic>` and `confluent local kafka topic produce <topic>`.

Build Application

  • Use the Gradle Wrapper provided to build the application.
./gradlew :kafka-producer-application:kafka:shadowJar


  • Our application expects 2 input parameters:

    • The Kafka broker host:port - per the confluent local step.
    • Path to our input file - provided in this repo as kafka/input.txt.
  • Our application loads the contents of the file and tokenizes each line into the key and value of an event to be sent to Kafka.

3-All Streams
4-Lead to
  • Execute the application using java -jar... with the required input parameters:
java -jar kafka-producer-application/kafka/build/libs/kafka-producer-application-standalone-0.0.1.jar localhost:65410 kafka-producer-application/kafka/input.txt


  • Use Confluent CLI to view the events on the output-topic - from the beginning, including the key.
confluent local kafka topic consume output-topic --from-beginning --print-key
1	value
2	words
3	All Streams
4	Lead to
5	Kafka
6	Go to
7	Kafka Summit
8	How can
9	a 10 ounce
10	bird carry a
11	5lb coconut


  • Stop local Kafka broker using confluent local kafka stop.