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How to sort events with Flink SQL

How to sort events with Flink SQL

Suppose you have time series events in a Kafka topic and wish to output the events in sorted order. For example, let's say you have a topic with events that represent a stream of temperature readings over time. In this tutorial, we'll use Flink SQL's ORDER BY clause to output the readings in sorted order and learn how out-of-order events are handled.


Let's assume the following DDL for our temperature_readings table:

CREATE TABLE temperature_readings (
    sensor_id INT,
    temperature DOUBLE,
    ts TIMESTAMP(3),
    -- declare ts as event time attribute and use strictly ascending timestamp watermark strategy

The timestamp is an important attribute because sorting events requires that the sort be ascending on a time attribute.

Sorting events

Given the temperature_readings table definition above, we sort events by the event timestamp as follows:

FROM temperature_readings

The following steps illustrate this with test data and demonstrate how out-of-order events are handled.

Running the example

You can run the example backing this tutorial in one of three ways: a Flink Table API-based JUnit test, locally with the Flink SQL Client against Flink and Kafka running in Docker, or with Confluent Cloud.

Flink Table API-based test


Run the test

Clone the confluentinc/tutorials GitHub repository (if you haven't already) and navigate to the tutorials directory:

git clone
cd tutorials

Run the following command to execute FlinkSqlOrderByTest#testOrderBy:

./gradlew clean :sorting:flinksql:test

The test starts Kafka and Schema Registry with Testcontainers, runs the Flink SQL commands above against a local Flink StreamExecutionEnvironment, and ensures that ORDER BY query results are what we expect.

Flink SQL Client CLI


Run the commands

Clone the confluentinc/tutorials GitHub repository (if you haven't already) and navigate to the tutorials directory:

git clone
cd tutorials

Start Flink and Kafka:

docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose-flinksql.yml up -d

Next, open the Flink SQL Client CLI:

docker exec -it flink-sql-client

Finally, run following SQL statements to create the temperature_readings table backed by Kafka running in Docker and populate it with test data. Note that we also include the Kafka topic partition and offset as virtual columns for illustrative purposes.

CREATE TABLE temperature_readings (
    sensor_id INT,
    temperature DOUBLE,
    ts TIMESTAMP(3),
    -- declare ts as event time attribute and use strictly ascending timestamp watermark strategy
) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'temperature-readings',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'broker:9092',
    'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
    'key.format' = 'raw',
    'key.fields' = 'sensor_id',
    'value.format' = 'avro-confluent',
    'value.avro-confluent.url' = 'http://schema-registry:8081',
    'value.fields-include' = 'EXCEPT_KEY'
INSERT INTO temperature_readings VALUES
    (0, 55, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:15:30')),
    (0, 50, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:20:30')),
    (0, 45, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:25:30')),
    (0, 40, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:30:30')),
    (0, 45, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:35:30')),
    (0, 50, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:40:30')),
    (0, 55, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:45:30')),
    (0, 60, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:50:30')),
    (0, 55, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:10:30')),
    (0, 60, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:53:30'));

Before running the sort query, observe that the second to last event inserted is out of order (its ts field is less than that of all other events). We can see that this is reflected in Kafka by observing that it is at offset 8:

SELECT `partition`,
FROM temperature_readings;

The query output should look like this:

partition        offset                       ts
        0             0  2024-11-01 02:15:30.000
        0             1  2024-11-01 02:20:30.000
        0             2  2024-11-01 02:25:30.000
        0             3  2024-11-01 02:30:30.000
        0             4  2024-11-01 02:35:30.000
        0             5  2024-11-01 02:40:30.000
        0             6  2024-11-01 02:45:30.000
        0             7  2024-11-01 02:50:30.000
        0             8  2024-11-01 02:10:30.000
        0             9  2024-11-01 02:53:30.000

Now run the sort query:

SELECT `partition`,
FROM temperature_readings

Observe that, even though we are using a strictly ascending timestamp watermark strategy, the out-of-order event should show up in correct sort order.

partition        offset                       ts
        0             8  2024-11-01 02:10:30.000
        0             0  2024-11-01 02:15:30.000
        0             1  2024-11-01 02:20:30.000
        0             2  2024-11-01 02:25:30.000
        0             3  2024-11-01 02:30:30.000
        0             4  2024-11-01 02:35:30.000
        0             5  2024-11-01 02:40:30.000
        0             6  2024-11-01 02:45:30.000
        0             7  2024-11-01 02:50:30.000
        0             9  2024-11-01 02:53:30.000

This happens because Flink emits watermarks periodically (every 200ms), which is very likely enough time in this example to run through all ten events. If instead we updated the temperature_readings table so that watermarks are emitted for every event, then the out-of-order event will be ignored. Let's first update the table to emit watermarks for every event:

ALTER TABLE temperature_readings SET ('scan.watermark.emit.strategy'='on-event');

Now if we rerun the sort query we see that the event at offset 8 does not get output. We can even output the watermark for each row by using the built-in CURRENT_WATERMARK function.

SELECT `partition`,
    CURRENT_WATERMARK(ts) AS `watermark`
FROM temperature_readings

We can see that the event at offset 8 is omitted and can observe that the watermark advances for every event. By the time the out-of-order event with timestamp 2024-11-01 02:10:30.000 is scanned, the watermark is at 2024-11-01 02:50:30.000 so the event is ignored.

partition               offset                       ts                watermark
        0                    0  2024-11-01 02:15:30.000                   <NULL>
        0                    1  2024-11-01 02:20:30.000  2024-11-01 02:15:30.000
        0                    2  2024-11-01 02:25:30.000  2024-11-01 02:20:30.000
        0                    3  2024-11-01 02:30:30.000  2024-11-01 02:25:30.000
        0                    4  2024-11-01 02:35:30.000  2024-11-01 02:30:30.000
        0                    5  2024-11-01 02:40:30.000  2024-11-01 02:35:30.000
        0                    6  2024-11-01 02:45:30.000  2024-11-01 02:40:30.000
        0                    7  2024-11-01 02:50:30.000  2024-11-01 02:45:30.000
        0                    9  2024-11-01 02:53:30.000  2024-11-01 02:50:30.000

When you are finished, clean up the containers used for this tutorial by running:

docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose-flinksql.yml down
Confluent Cloud


  • A Confluent Cloud account
  • A Flink compute pool created in Confluent Cloud. Follow this quick start to create one.

Run the commands

In the Confluent Cloud Console, navigate to your environment and then click the Open SQL Workspace button for the compute pool that you have created.

Select the default catalog (Confluent Cloud environment) and database (Kafka cluster) to use with the dropdowns at the top right.

Finally, run following SQL statements to create the temperature_readings table and populate it with test data. Note that we also include the Kafka topic partition and offset for illustrative purposes.

CREATE TABLE temperature_readings (
    sensor_id INT,
    temperature DOUBLE,
    ts TIMESTAMP(3),
    -- declare ts as event time attribute and use strictly ascending timestamp watermark strategy
INSERT INTO temperature_readings VALUES
    (0, 55, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:15:30')),
    (0, 50, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:20:30')),
    (0, 45, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:25:30')),
    (0, 40, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:30:30')),
    (0, 45, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:35:30')),
    (0, 50, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:40:30')),
    (0, 55, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:45:30')),
    (0, 60, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:50:30')),
    (0, 55, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:10:30')),
    (0, 60, TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-11-01 02:53:30'));

Before running the sort query, observe that the second to last event inserted is out of order (its ts field is less than that of all other events). We can see that this is reflected in Kafka by observing that it is at offset 8:

SELECT `partition`,
FROM temperature_readings;

The query output should show that the event with timestamp 2024-11-01 02:10:30 is at offse 8.

Now run the sort query:

SELECT `partition`,
FROM temperature_readings

Observe that, even though we are using a strictly ascending timestamp watermark strategy, the out-of-order event shows up in correct sort order.

partition        offset                       ts
        0             8  2024-11-01 02:10:30.000
        0             0  2024-11-01 02:15:30.000
        0             1  2024-11-01 02:20:30.000
        0             2  2024-11-01 02:25:30.000
        0             3  2024-11-01 02:30:30.000
        0             4  2024-11-01 02:35:30.000
        0             5  2024-11-01 02:40:30.000
        0             6  2024-11-01 02:45:30.000
        0             7  2024-11-01 02:50:30.000
        0             9  2024-11-01 02:53:30.000

This happens because, by default, Flink emits watermarks periodically (every 200ms of wall clock time), which is very likely enough time in this example to scan through all ten events before a watermark is emitted.

Do you have questions or comments? Join us in the #confluent-developer community Slack channel to engage in discussions with the creators of this content.