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How to implement event-time Semantics in ksqlDB

How to implement event-time Semantics in ksqlDB

By default, time-based aggregations in ksqlDB (tumbling windows, hopping windows, etc.) operate on the timestamp in the record metadata, which could be either 'CreateTime' (the producer system time) or 'LogAppendTime' (the broker system time), depending on the message.timestamp.type topic configuration value. 'CreateTime' may help with event time semantics, but in some use cases, the desired event time is a timestamp embedded inside the record payload itself.

To demonstrate how to achieve event-time semantics in ksqlDB, consider a topic of temperature sensor readings that contains the temperature and timestamp of the reading. Let's first define the stream not using event-time semantics:

CREATE STREAM temperature_logtime (temp DOUBLE, event_time BIGINT)
    kafka_topic = 'temperature-logtime',
    partitions = 1,
    value_format = 'avro'

Insert a row of data:

INSERT INTO temperature_logtime (temp, event_time) VALUES (100.98, 1673560175029);

Now if you query this stream and include the system column ROWTIME that gets used for time-based aggregations, you'll see that the ROWTIME is the current time and not the time in the event payload, e.g.:

ksql> SELECT *, ROWTIME FROM temperature_logtime EMIT CHANGES;
|TEMP                                     |EVENT_TIME                               |ROWTIME                                  |
|100.98                                   |1673560175029                            |1705078226569                            |

Now let's define a second stream that gives us event-time semantics in ksqlDB. To achieve this, we specify a field in the record payload as the TIMESTAMP attribute when defining the stream:

CREATE STREAM temperature_eventtime (temp DOUBLE, event_time BIGINT)
    kafka_topic = 'temperature-eventtime',
    partitions = 1,
    value_format = 'avro',
    timestamp = 'event_time'

Insert the same event as before:

INSERT INTO temperature_eventtime (temp, event_time) VALUES (100.98, 1673560175029);

Now observe that the ROWTIME equals the timestamp in the record payload:

ksql> SELECT *, ROWTIME FROM temperature_eventtime EMIT CHANGES;
|TEMP                                     |EVENT_TIME                               |ROWTIME                                  |
|100.98                                   |1673560175029                            |1673560175029                            |