If you have a stream of events in a Kafka topic and wish to transform a field in each event, you simply need to use the KStream.map method to process each event.
As a concrete example, consider a topic with events that represent movies. Each event has a single attribute that combines its title and its release year into a string. The following topology definition outputs these events to a new topic with title and release date turned into their own attributes.
builder.stream(INPUT_TOPIC, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), rawMovieSerde))
.map((key, rawMovie) -> new KeyValue<>(rawMovie.id(), convertRawMovie(rawMovie)))
.to(OUTPUT_TOPIC, Produced.with(Serdes.Long(), movieSerde));
The map method transforms each record of the input stream into a new record in the output stream, with the movie ID serving as the key. (There is also a mapValues method that can be used if you only need to transform record values.) The convertRawMovie method in this example splits on :: since the attribute containing the movie title and release year looks like Tree of Life::2011. The Serde's included in this example use Jackson to serialize and deserialize POJOs.