Staff Software Practice Lead
Note: This exercise is part of a larger course. You are expected to have completed the previous exercises.
In this exercise, we will create a simple REST endpoint that accepts data from a fitness tracker in the form of strings and pushes it to Kafka with no intermediate processing.
In the long run, this may be dangerous because it could allow a malfunctioning device to push invalid data into our stream. We probably want to perform a minimal amount of validation, prior to pushing the data. We'll see how to do that in a later exercise.
For now, this will be sufficient to get our feet wet.
You have two options for accessing the pre-existing code for the course: Local, or Gitpod.
If you are unfamiliar with Gitpod, the following video provides a brief introduction:
Introducing Gitpod for Confluent Developer
If you choose local development, you will need a suitable .NET environment, including:
Clone the exercise repository from Github:
If you choose Gitpod development, you can use the following link:
The Gitpod environment includes 3 terminal tabs:
Each of these tabs is opened to the corresponding directory.
It also includes a browser preview window. At the moment, this won't do anything, but later when the application is running, it will take you to the Swagger index page.
The code repo contains a file named It contains snippets of code from the video lectures. Feel free to refer to this while working through the exercises.
The repository includes the following folders:
The exercises folder contains two scripts:
To start with, we want to stage the current exercise. This will load any code required for the exercise. Run the following command:
./ stage 06
exercise.bat stage 06
If at any point, you wish to automatically solve the exercise, you can execute:
./ solve <exercise-id>
exercise.bat solve <exercise-id>
You can also copy individual solution files by executing:
./ solve <exercise-id> <filename>
exercise.bat solve <exercise-id> <filename>
Note: Exercises are numbered with their absolute position in the course (including lecture videos). That's why this exercise is numbered 06.
If you are using Visual Studio, open the exercises/Fitness.sln solution file. Otherwise, browse the code in your preferred IDE.
The code consists of two Microservice projects (and associated tests):
Familiarize yourself with both projects before moving on.
Our Gateway will push data into a Kafka topic. Let's create it in the Confluent Cloud Console
From the left-hand navigation, click Topics.
Click the Create topic button.
Name the topic RawBiometricsImported
Use the default number of partitions.
When asked to Define a data contract select Skip.
We need to configure our application to allow it to connect to Kafka. We'll use the API Keys we downloaded in the previous exercise.
Open the ClientGateway/appsettings.json file.
Add the following at the root level:
"Kafka": {
"BootstrapServers": "",
"ClientId": "ClientGateway",
"SecurityProtocol": "SaslSsl",
"SaslMechanism": "PLAIN",
"SaslUsername": "",
"SaslPassword": ""
"SchemaRegistry": {
"URL": "",
"BasicAuthCredentialsSource": "UserInfo",
"BasicAuthUserInfo": ""
Populate the Kafka.BootstrapServers, Kafka.SaslUsername, and Kafka.SaslPassword fields.
Populate the SchemaRegistry.URL field.
confluent schema-registry cluster describe
Populate the SchemaRegistry.BasicAuthUserInfo field.
Next, we will load our configuration and construct a producer. Our producer will work strictly with Strings for now.
Open ClientGateway/Program.cs.
Load and register a ProducerConfig (See the associated TODO).
Register an instance of IProducer<String, String> (See the associated TODO).
Note: We use a singleton because the producer maintains connections that we want to reuse.
Finally, we'll build a new REST endpoint that will accept our fitness data and publish it to Kafka.
Open ClientGateway/Controllers/ClientGatewayController.cs.
Define a private String field named BiometricsImportedTopicName with a value of RawBiometricsImported.
Define a private IProducer<String, String> field named _producer.
Using the Hello method as an example, define a new REST Endpoint.
Implement the method with the following logic:
When you staged the exercise, tests were brought into scope. They will verify the behavior of your REST endpoint.
Either run the tests in your IDE, or at the command line from the exercises folder using the following:
dotnet test Fitness.sln
Run the application from the command line using:
cd ClientGateway
dotnet run
Now we can try interacting with the application.
In the Confluent Cloud Console, navigate to the RawBiometricsImported topic and open the Messages tab. You can use this tab to view new messages published to the topic.
Visit the Swagger page for the service at http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html.
In Gitpod, you can open this page by executing the following in a terminal:
gp preview http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
Verify that your new Biometrics operation appears as a POST.
Expand the Biometrics and click Try it out.
Populate the metrics field with the following and then click execute:
"deviceId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"heartRates": [
"value": 0,
"dateTime": "2022-11-09T15:51:47.032Z"
"stepCounts": [
"value": 0,
"dateTime": "2022-11-09T15:51:47.032Z"
"maxHeartRate": {
"value": 0,
"dateTime": "2022-11-09T15:51:47.032Z"
Check the Messages tab in the Confluent Cloud Console to verify your message arrived.
With this approach, there is nothing preventing us from sending malformed data to our endpoint. We can send it whatever we want. Feel free to try sending arbitrary data.
Later, we'll introduce validation logic to ensure that our data is well-formed.
This brings us to the end of this exercise.
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