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course: Apache Flink® Table API: Processing Data Streams In Java

Exercise: Querying Flink Tables with the Table API

30 min
Wade Waldron

Wade Waldron

Principal Software Practice Lead

Querying Flink Tables with the Table API

In this exercise, we will execute some Flink Table API queries using the built-in Marketplace tables in Confluent Cloud.

We'll start with basic select statements to set a foundation for future exercises.

Stage the exercise

Stage the exercise by executing:

./ stage 02


You should now see a and in your marketplace package and a series of tests for each.

The tests have been broken into two types: Unit Tests and Integration Tests.

The Unit Tests use mocks to replace the Flink functionality and verify behavior. These tests are there to help guide you through your implementation. They are not intended to be examples of how you should test a real application. This style of test is too tied to the individual implementations and could hinder refactoring in a production system.

The Integration Tests will connect to Confluent Cloud and execute the resulting SQL. Because the Integration Tests connect to Confluent Cloud, they can be slow. You may want to limit how often you run them.

You can run specific tests as needed in your IDE. Or you can use the following Maven commands:

Run a specific test:

mvn test -Dtest=<ClassName>#<TestName>

Run all unit tests:

mvn clean test -Dgroups=UnitTest

Run all integration tests:

mvn clean test -Dgroups=IntegrationTest

Run both unit and integration tests

mvn clean test

Currently, the tests will fail because the methods haven't been implemented.

While working through the exercise, it can be helpful to periodically run the tests to measure progress.


These tests make assumptions about the structure of your code. The instructions will guide you, but if you encounter issues, it can be valuable to look at the tests to see what they are expecting and modify your code to match.

Query all customers

The first task is to implement the CustomerService.allCustomers method.

This is an easy-to-understand query. We are trying to obtain the details for all of the customers.

Very simple queries like this can be useful when debugging an application to learn more about the shape of the data.

More importantly, this creates a foundation for future work.


It's important to remember that the data in the table is streaming and unbounded. Once the query is executed it will run until terminated.

Implement the method

Implement the CustomerService.allCustomers method as follows:

  • Select all fields from all customers (use the customersTableName parameter for the table name).


    You can implement a basic select statement as follows:

    env.from("TABLE NAME")

  • Execute and return the result.

Run the following tests to verify your solution:


You can run the tests through your IDE, or you can run an individual test using Maven as follows

mvn test -Dtest=CustomerServiceTest#allCustomers_shouldSelectAllFields


For a detailed look at what functions are available in the Confluent Flink Table API, refer to the Confluent Flink Table API Documentation.

Run the marketplace

Next, we can try the query in the class.

Modify as follows.

  • In the main method, create an instance of the CustomerService.
  • Use the following table name:
  • Call the allCustomers method on the service to get a TableResult.
  • Call the print method on the TableResult to print all records to the standard output.

Now, if you run the Marketplace it should print out Customer records until you terminate the application.

Inspect the query

Viewing Flink Statements

Executing the query in the marketplace generates a corresponding SQL query in Confluent Cloud. We can inspect that query to see what it looks like.

  • Open Confluent Cloud.
  • Navigate to the flink-table-api-java environment.
  • Select the Flink tab and go to Flink Statements.
  • Click on the most recent statement and look at the query.

It won't be a direct match to the code that you wrote. The records have a hidden $rowtime field. Don't worry about that for now. We will return to it later in the course.

Query all customer addresses

Next, we will implement the CustomerService.allCustomerAddresses method. The shipping department will require addresses so they know where to deliver the orders. However, they don't need other customer details. Here, we will create a query that gives them only the details they need.

Implement the CustomerService.allCustomerAddresses method as follows:

  • Select all customers
  • Using the $("fieldName") syntax return the following fields:
    • customer_id
    • address
    • postcode
    • city


The $("fieldName") syntax is used to build what is known as an API Expression. These API Expressions will get more complex throughout the course.


You can specify $("fieldName") multiple times, separated by a comma.

Run the following tests to verify your solution:


You can also print the results inside the file. However, if you try to print results from multiple unbounded queries, only the first one will succeed. The others will be stuck waiting for a query that never finishes. You can still execute multiple queries, you just can't print the results from the same thread.

Have a look at the query in Confluent Cloud. Is it what you expected?

Query orders over 50 dollars

The previous query filtered specific columns or fields from the records. Now, we'll implement a query that filters specific records.

We will implement the OrderService.ordersOver50Dollars method. The eCommerce site has a policy that grants free shipping on all orders over 50 dollars. We want to determine which orders qualify for free shipping.

Implement the OrderService.ordersOver50Dollars method as follows:

  • Select all fields from the orders table.

    • Where would you find the table name?
  • Use a where clause to check if the price field isGreaterOrEqual to 50.


    The `where` method takes an API Expression (eg. $("fieldName")) as a parameter. You can call additional methods such as the isGreaterOrEqual method on those expressions.


  • Execute and return the results.

Run the following tests:


Create an instance of the OrderService in pointing it at the table:


Execute the new method to see the results.

Query order prices after tax

The final task will be a little more difficult. We will implement the OrderService.pricesWithTax method. It will compute a new price after applying a tax rate (eg. Tax Rate = 1.15). This seems simple enough but there is a hidden issue in the data.

Implement the OrderService.pricesWithTax method as follows:

  • Select all rows from the orders table.
  • Return the following fields, transformed as required:
    • Return the order_id as is.
    • Use the as API Expression to rename the price field to original_price.
    • Using the price again:
      • Use the times method to multiply it by the tax amount.
      • Use the round method to round to 2 decimal places.
      • Use the as method to rename the result to price_with_tax.

Using API Expressions you can obtain the value of the same field multiple times, but apply different transformations to each. For example, you can say


Run only the following test:

mvn test -Dtest=OrderServiceIntegrationTest#pricesWithTax_shouldReturnTheCorrectPrices

The test should fail. Inspecting the output should reveal that the expected and actual amounts differ by exactly one cent. But why?

Investigating the failure

Let's take a moment to try and understand what happened.

  • Update the Marketplace to run the pricesWithTax method.
    • Use a tax rate of 1.15.
  • Execute the marketplace.
  • Next, open Confluent Cloud and inspect the SQL that was generated.
  • It should look more or less correct.
  • Copy the query.

Modify the query

Stream Processing Menu

Now let's see what happens if we run a slightly modified version of the query.

  • In Confluent Cloud, navigate to the Stream processing section on the left.
  • Select the flink-table-api-java environment from the Environment dropdown.
  • Click the Create new workspace button to create a new workspace.
  • Paste the query into the workspace.
  • Modify it as follows:
    • Replace (ROUND(`price` * 1.15, 2)) with (`price` * 1.15).
  • Run the query and observe the results.

Many of the price_with_tax entries have a long sequence of trailing decimal places (eg. 99999...). However, if you manually do the calculation, you won't get those long trailing decimal places. This is a clue to the problem.

Inspect the table

Let's have a look at how the orders table is defined.

  • Create a new statement using the + button beside your existing statment. Use the following query:

    SHOW CREATE TABLE examples.marketplace.orders;
  • Run the query and inspect the results.

Observe the data type for the price field. It is listed as a DOUBLE.

Floats and doubles are difficult to represent in a binary format. As a result, small errors can creep into floating-point arithmetic. These small errors are notoriously bad when dealing with currencies and result in rounding errors.

Fixing the problem

To fix this, we need to stop using the DOUBLE type and instead use DECIMAL(10, 2) which is better for working with currency. We can't change the source table. But that doesn't mean we can't fix the problem.

  • Modify the query in your workspace as follows:
    • Replace `price` with CAST(`price` AS DECIMAL(10, 2)).
  • Rerun the query and observe the results. You should see that every result has exactly 4 decimal places. No more trailing decimals.


We have 4 decimals rather than 2 (Remember, it's a DECIMAL(10,2). But why? The price has 2 decimals and the tax rate has 2 decimals. When you multiply them 4 decimals are required to obtain the necessary precision.

Translating to the Table API

Next, translate this solution into the OrderService.priceWithTax method as follows:

  • Use the cast method on the API Expression to convert the price field to a DataTypes.DECIMAL(10, 2) prior to calculating the price_with_tax.

  • For completeness, let's apply the same cast to the original_price, even though it isn't affected by this problem. This will ensure that the prices are all listed with two decimal points.


    The cast method is part of the API expression, similar to the as method or the round method.

    Be careful. The location of the cast is important. Should it come before, or after the multiplication?

Run all the tests and verify they pass.

Execute the method inside the to see the results.

Using Confluent Cloud to debug queries

One of the important things we learned in this exercise is how to use Confluent Cloud to debug Table API queries.

The Flink Statement browser allows us to collect details about the SQL statements that are generated by the Table API. Meanwhile, the Stream Processing workspaces allow us to manually edit and execute SQL statements to help locate problems and their solutions.

These are valuable tools you can use throughout the rest of the course whenever you find yourself getting stuck on an exercise. If you aren't sure what's going on, look at the SQL statement in Confluent Cloud. See if you can modify it to work there, then go back to the code and try to replicate that change.


This brings us to the end of this exercise.

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