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Short videos to help you learn about data streaming with Apache Kafka®, Apache Flink®, and more.


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Apache Flink in Action: How to work with a paused stream

Using watermarks can create havoc when you have a stream that has significant delays between records. In this video we discuss a possible solution using a batch close record, which will ensure that your data is up to date.

Apache Flink in Action: What is Watermark Alignment?

Watermark alignment is a relatively new feature in Apache Flink. This video breaks down the scenario when you need to temporally join streams of different event frequencies.

Apache Flink in Action: How to Set Idle Timeouts

Learn about setting an idle timeout on a watermark generator when joining data in Apache Flink®.

Tabs or spaces? Merge vs. rebase? Let’s settle it with Kafka and Node.js

A simple website, [Let’s Settle This](, is powered by a new Kafka JavaScript client from Confluent: confluent-kafka-javascript (early access). Find out how Lucia used it to make the website in the video above.

How to Analyze Data from a REST API with Flink SQL

Join Lucia Cerchie in a coding walkthrough, bridging the gap between REST APIs and data streaming. Together we’ll transform the OpenSky Network's live API into a data stream using Kafka and Flink SQL.

Organize your data using Confluent Data Portal

Learn how the Data Portal and Apache Flink® in Confluent Cloud can help developers and data practitioners find the data they need to quickly create new data products.

Exactly-Once Processing in Apache Flink

Learn how Apache Flink® can handle hundreds or even thousands of compute nodes running 24/7 and still produce correct results.

Introducing Gitpod for Confluent Developer

Tired of starting online tutorials only to realize they don't work on your machine? We've integrated Gitpod into our Confluent Developer courses to streamline your learning experience. See how it works in this short introduction video.

What is a Kafka Consumer and How does it work?

Now that your data is inside your Kafka cluster, how do you get it out? In this video, Dan Weston covers the basics of Kafka Consumers.