If you are you not running source connectors to produce events, you can use ksqlDB INSERT INTO
statements to insert mock data into the source topics:
-- For the purposes of this recipe when testing by inserting records manually,
-- a short pause between these insert groups is required. This allows
-- the flight data to be processed by the customer_flights_rekeyed
-- table before the JOIN with the flight updates data
INSERT INTO customers (id, name, address, email, phone, loyalty_status, loyalty_id) VALUES (1, 'Gleda Lealle', '93 Express Point', 'glealle0@senate.gov', '+351 831 301 6746', 'Silver', '2PLNX338063');
INSERT INTO customers (id, name, address, email, phone, loyalty_status, loyalty_id) VALUES (2, 'Gilly Crocombe', '332 Blaine Avenue', 'gcrocombe1@homestead.com', '+33 203 565 3736', 'Silver', '7AWLM918339');
INSERT INTO customers (id, name, address, email, phone, loyalty_status, loyalty_id) VALUES (3, 'Astrix Aspall', '56 Randy Place', 'aaspall2@ebay.co.uk', '+33 679 296 6645', 'Gold', '3RNZH870911');
INSERT INTO customers (id, name, address, email, phone, loyalty_status, loyalty_id) VALUES (4, 'Ker Omond', '23255 Tennessee Court', 'komond3@usnews.com', '+33 515 323 0170', 'Silver', '5BWEP418137');
INSERT INTO customers (id, name, address, email, phone, loyalty_status, loyalty_id) VALUES (5, 'Arline Synnott', '144 Ramsey Avenue', 'asynnott4@theatlantic.com', '+62 953 759 8885', 'Bronze', '4MNJB877136');
INSERT INTO flights (id, origin, destination, code, scheduled_dep, scheduled_arr) VALUES (1, 'LBA', 'AMS', '642', '2021-11-18T06:04:00', '2021-11-18T06:48:00');
INSERT INTO flights (id, origin, destination, code, scheduled_dep, scheduled_arr) VALUES (2, 'LBA', 'LHR', '9607', '2021-11-18T07:36:00', '2021-11-18T08:05:00');
INSERT INTO flights (id, origin, destination, code, scheduled_dep, scheduled_arr) VALUES (3, 'AMS', 'TXL', '7968', '2021-11-18T08:11:00', '2021-11-18T10:41:00');
INSERT INTO flights (id, origin, destination, code, scheduled_dep, scheduled_arr) VALUES (4, 'AMS', 'OSL', '496', '2021-11-18T11:20:00', '2021-11-18T13:25:00');
INSERT INTO flights (id, origin, destination, code, scheduled_dep, scheduled_arr) VALUES (5, 'LHR', 'JFK', '9230', '2021-11-18T10:36:00', '2021-11-18T19:07:00');
INSERT INTO bookings (id, customer_id, flight_id) VALUES (1,2,1);
INSERT INTO bookings (id, customer_id, flight_id) VALUES (2,1,1);
INSERT INTO bookings (id, customer_id, flight_id) VALUES (3,5,3);
INSERT INTO bookings (id, customer_id, flight_id) VALUES (4,4,2);
-- Wait 10 seconds before inserting the records below
INSERT INTO flight_updates (id, flight_id, updated_dep, reason) VALUES (1, 2, '2021-11-18T09:00:00.000', 'Cabin staff unavailable');
INSERT INTO flight_updates (id, flight_id, updated_dep, reason) VALUES (2, 3, '2021-11-19T14:00:00.000', 'Mechanical checks');
INSERT INTO flight_updates (id, flight_id, updated_dep, reason) VALUES (3, 1, '2021-11-19T08:10:09.000', 'Icy conditions');
To validate that this recipe is working, run the following query:
SELECT * FROM customer_flight_updates EMIT CHANGES LIMIT 3;
Your output should resemble:
| | |N | |P | | | | | |
|3 |Arline Synnott |Mechanical checks |2021-11-19T14:00:00|2021-11-18T08:11:00|asynnott4@theatlant|+62 953 759 8885 |nXXXXnnn136 |TXL |7968 |
| | | |.000 |.000 |ic.com | | | | |
|2 |Ker Omond |Cabin staff unavail|2021-11-18T09:00:00|2021-11-18T07:36:00|komond3@usnews.com |+33 515 323 0170 |nXXXXnnn137 |LHR |9607 |
| | |able |.000 |.000 | | | | | |
|1 |Gilly Crocombe |Icy conditions |2021-11-19T08:10:09|2021-11-18T06:04:00|gcrocombe1@homestea|+33 203 565 3736 |nXXXXnnn339 |AMS |642 |
| | | |.000 |.000 |d.com | | | | |
Limit Reached
Query terminated