Developer Advocate
In this exercise you will use the AdminClient class to create a new Kafka topic and alter one of its configuration properties.
Open a terminal window and navigate to the kafka-python directory that you created in the previous exercise.
If you are not currently using the kafka-env environment that was created in the last exercise, switch to it with the following command:
source kafka-env/bin/activate
Create a file called
Open in an IDE of your choice.
Add the following import statements to the top of the file:
from confluent_kafka.admin import (AdminClient, NewTopic,
from config import config
Add a function that uses list_topics() to check to see if a specific topic already exists:
# return True if topic exists and False if not
def topic_exists(admin, topic):
metadata = admin.list_topics()
for t in iter(metadata.topics.values()):
if t.topic == topic:
return True
return False
Add a function using a NewTopic instance and the create_topics() function to create a topic:
# create new topic and return results dictionary
def create_topic(admin, topic):
new_topic = NewTopic(topic, num_partitions=6, replication_factor=3)
result_dict = admin.create_topics([new_topic])
for topic, future in result_dict.items():
future.result() # The result itself is None
print("Topic {} created".format(topic))
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to create topic {}: {}".format(topic, e))
Create a function that uses a ConfigResource instance and the describe_configs() function:
# get max.message.bytes property
def get_max_size(admin, topic):
resource = ConfigResource('topic', topic)
result_dict = admin.describe_configs([resource])
config_entries = result_dict[resource].result()
max_size = config_entries['max.message.bytes']
return max_size.value
Now add a function using the alter_configs() function to set the max.message.bytes property:
# set max.message.bytes for topic
def set_max_size(admin, topic, max_k):
config_dict = {'max.message.bytes': str(max_k*1024)}
resource = ConfigResource('topic', topic, config_dict)
result_dict = admin.alter_configs([resource])
Add a main block to put the new functions to work:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create Admin client
admin = AdminClient(config)
topic_name = 'my_topic'
max_msg_k = 50
# Create topic if it doesn't exist
if not topic_exists(admin, topic_name):
create_topic(admin, topic_name)
# Check max.message.bytes config and set if needed
current_max = get_max_size(admin, topic_name)
if current_max != str(max_msg_k * 1024):
print(f'Topic, {topic_name} max.message.bytes is {current_max}.')
set_max_size(admin, topic_name, max_msg_k)
# Verify config was set
new_max = get_max_size(admin, topic_name)
print(f'Now max.message.bytes for topic {topic_name} is {new_max}')
Save the file.
Run from the command line with this command:
Verify that the output is something like this:
Topic my_topic created
Topic, my_topic max.message.bytes is currently 2097164.
Now max.message.bytes for topic my_topic is 51200
After completing the course exercises, you need to tear down the learn-kafka-python environment to avoid unnecessarily accruing cost to the point your promotional credits are exhausted.
In the Confluent Cloud console, navigate to Environments.
Click on the learn-kafka-python environment.
Click the Delete Environment link at the bottom right.
Confirm the delete request and click Continue.
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