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December 16, 2019 | Episode 74

Apache Kafka 2.4 – Overview of Latest Features, Updates, and KIPs

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Apache Kafka 2.4 includes new Kafka Core developments and improvements to Kafka Streams and Kafka Connect, including MirrorMaker 2.0, RocksDB metrics, and more.


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Episode 75December 23, 2019 | 50 min

Apache Kafka and Apache Druid – The Perfect Pair ft. Rachel Pedreschi

Rachel Pedreschi's involvement in the open source community focuses primarily on Apache Druid, a real-time, high-performance datastore that provides fast, sub-second analytics and complements another powerful open source project as well: Apache Kafka®. Together, Kafka and Druid provide real-time event streaming and high-performance streaming analytics with powerful visualizations.

Episode 76December 30, 2019 | 42 min

Multi-Cloud Monitoring and Observability with the Metrics API ft. Dustin Cote

Dustin Cote (Product Manager for Observability, Confluent Cloud) talks about Apache Kafka® made serverless and how beyond just the brokers, Confluent Cloud focuses on fitting into customer systems rather than building monitoring silos.

Episode 77January 8, 2020 | 48 min

Location Data and Geofencing with Apache Kafka ft. Guido Schmutz

One way to put Apache Kafka into action is geofencing and tracking the location data of objects, barges, and cars in real time. Guido Schmutz shares about one such use case involving a German steel company and the development project he worked on for them.

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If there's something you want to know about Apache Kafka, Confluent or event streaming, please send us an email with your question and we'll hope to answer it on the next episode of Ask Confluent.

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