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May 16, 2019 | Episode 32

Chris Riccomini on the History of Apache Kafka and Stream Processing

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It’s a problem endemic to the tech world that we are always focused on what’s coming next, that we often forget to look at where we’ve been. Chris Riccomini, who was there at LinkedIn when Apache Kafka® was born, tells us how Kafka and the stream processing framework Samza came about, and also what he’s doing these days at WePay—building systems that use Kafka as a primary datastore.


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Episode 33May 20, 2019 | 42 min

Testing Kafka Streams Applications with Viktor Gamov

Tim Berglund is joined by Viktor Gamov (Developer Advocate, Confluent) to discuss various approaches to testing Kafka Streams applications.

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Why is Stream Processing Hard? ft. Michael Drogalis

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Schema Registry Made Simple by Confluent Cloud ft. Magesh Nandakumar

Tim Berglund and Magesh Nandakumar discuss why schemas matter for building systems on Apache Kafka®, and how Confluent Schema Registry helps with the problem. They talk about how Schema Registry works, how you can collaborate around schema change through `avsc` files, and what it means for this to be available in Confluent Cloud today.

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