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July 27, 2020 | Episode 111

How to Measure the Business Value of Confluent Cloud ft. Lyndon Hedderly

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As developers, we are good at envisioning the future state of any given system we want to build, but are we as good at telling the business how those changes positively impact the bottom line? 

Lyndon Hedderly (Team Lead, Business Value Consulting, Confluent) describes his approach to business value, how to justify a new technology that you’re introducing to your company, and tips on adopting new technologies and processes effectively. 

As Lyndon walks through each part of the business value framework: (1) baseline, (2) target state, (3) quantified benefits, (4) unquantified benefits, and (5) proof points, you’ll learn about cost effectiveness with Confluent Cloud, how to measure ROI vs. TCO, and a retail example from a customer that details their implementation of an event streaming platform.

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Apache Kafka 2.6 - Overview of Latest Features, Updates, and KIPs

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Developer Advocacy (and Kafka Summit) in the Pandemic Era

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