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November 18, 2019 | Episode 68

Installing Apache Kafka with Ansible ft. Viktor Gamov and Justin Manchester

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“It’s one thing to get a distributed system up and running. It’s another thing to get a distributed system up and running well.” Ansible keeps your Apache Kafka® deployment, management, and installation consistent, and it enables you to implement best practices that make it easy to get started. Justin Manchester (Platform DevOps Engineer, Confluent) and Viktor Gamov (Developer Advocate, Confluent) discuss the problems that Ansible is trying to solve, enabling collaboration and optimizing all components for top performance.

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Episode 69November 20, 2019 | 26 min

Announcing ksqlDB ft. Jay Kreps

Jay Kreps introduces ksqlDB, the event streaming database purpose-built for stream processing applications. As the successor to KSQL, ksqlDB is a specialized database for stream processing on top of Kafka, merging the concepts behind streams of data with tables of data.

Episode 70November 27, 2019 | 58 min

Real-Time Payments with Clojure and Apache Kafka ft. Bobby Calderwood

Payments leverages Confluent Cloud to help banks of all sizes transform to real-time banking services from traditionally batch-oriented, bankers’ hours operational mode. This is achieved through Apache Kafka® and the Kafka Streams and Kafka Connect APIs from Clojure using functional programming paradigms like transducers.

Episode 71December 4, 2019 | 38 min

Machine Learning with Kafka Streams, Kafka Connect, and ksqlDB ft. Kai Waehner

Kai Waehner defines machine learning in depth, describes the architecture of his dream machine learning pipeline, shares its relevance to Apache Kafka and the related ecosystem, and discusses the importance of security and fraud detection.

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