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January 13, 2020 | Episode 78

Making Apache Kafka Connectors for the Cloud ft. Magesh Nandakumar

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From previously focusing on Confluent Schema Registry to now making connectors for Confluent Cloud, Magesh Nandakumar (Software Engineer, Confluent) discusses what connectors do, how they simplify data integrations, and how they enable sophisticated customer use cases. With connectors built for Confluent Cloud on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), this helps users implement Apache Kafka® within their existing systems in an easy way. There’s a lot that Magesh is looking forward to when the world of connectors and the world of cloud collide.

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Episode 79January 22, 2020 | 14 min

Confluent Platform 5.4 | What's New in This Release + Updates

A quick summary of new features, updates, and improvements in Confluent Platform 5.4, including Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Structured Audit Logs, Multi-Region Clusters, Confluent Control Center enhancements, Schema Validation, and the preview for Tiered Storage.This release also includes pull queries and embedded connectors in preview as part of KSQL.

Episode 80January 27, 2020 | 46 min

Streaming Call of Duty at Activision with Apache Kafka ft. Yaroslav Tkachenko

Yaroslav Tkachenko shares about how matchmaking services, microtransactions, and telemetry statistics all play a role in Activision’s challenging (but fun) event streaming use cases. Learn about how Activision ingests huge amounts of data, what the backend of their massive distributed system looks like, and the automated services involved for collecting data from each pipeline.

Episode 81February 4, 2020 | 7 min

How to Write a Successful Conference Abstract | Streaming Audio Special

Learn how to write an abstract for conference submissions and call for papers with tips from Tim Berglund, chair of the Kafka Summit Program Committee.

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