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Episode 53September 12, 2019 | 48 min

Jay Kreps on the Last 10 Years of Apache Kafka and Event Streaming

Jay Kreps to talk about stream processing, his early coding days at LinkedIn, starting Confluent, the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

Episode 24March 18, 2019 | 36 min

It’s Time for Streaming to Have a Maturity Model ft. Nick Dearden

Nick Dearden explains the five stages of streaming maturity, from the first streaming project you ever build all the way to a state where an entire organization is transformed to think in terms of real-time, event-driven systems.

Episode 18February 14, 2019 | 41 min

The Future of Serverless and Streaming with Neil Avery

Neil Avery explores the intersection between FaaS and event streaming applications, the pros and cons of FaaS, important considerations when building streaming applications and five rules that will help you understand how FaaS fits with the event streaming application.

Episode 12October 18, 2018 | 34 min

Kafka Summit SF 2018 Panel | Microsoft, Slack, Confluent, University of Cambridge

Neha Narkhede leads a panel discussion at Kafka Summit SF 2018 with Kevin Scott (CTO, Microsoft), Julia Grace (Head of Infrastructure Engineering, Slack), Martin Kleppman (Researcher, U. of Cambridge), Jay Kreps (co-founder and CEO, Confluent), and Neha Narkhede (Co-founder and CTO at Confluent).

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