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A discussion about how people actually use KSQL with Nick Dearden, stream processing expert at Confluent. Try KSQL!For more, you can check out ksqlDB, the successor to KSQL.
Gwen is joined by co-host Tim Berglund and special guest, Viktor Gamov (Developer Advocate, Confluent), who specializes in Kafka, KSQL and Kubernetes.
KSQL 5.0 now supports stream-stream, stream-table and table-table joins. Tim interviews Hojjat Jafarpour about all three join types.
Tim Berglund interviews Bill Bejeck about the Kafka Streams API and his new book, "Kafka Streams in Action."
If there's something you want to know about Apache Kafka, Confluent or event streaming, please send us an email with your question and we'll hope to answer it on the next episode of Ask Confluent.