Software Practice Lead
Start from scratch and in under 10 minutes, have a GitOps system that auto-deploys a streaming application in a Kubernetes cluster, using just a handful of config files in a Git repository.
In this exercise, we're going to see how to deploy and run a Kafka streaming application on Kubernetes using the GitOps approach.
You will:
You'll need:
Note: there's a troubleshooting section at the bottom of this exercise.
You need a Kubernetes cluster to deploy FluxCD and run the sample application. If you don't already have a Kubernetes cluster to play with, you can create one with Kind.
Once you have Homebrew installed, just run:
brew install kind
Next up, create a cluster
kind create cluster --name staging
We're going to use kubectl just as a handy file creation tool and also to peek into the cluster to see what's going on.
brew install kubectl
Let's check if we can see the Kubernetes node created by Kind:
kubectl get nodes
Here's what you should see:
staging-control-plane Ready control-plane 19s v1.27.1
Next up, let's install the FluxCD GitOps tool.
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
You will need to export your GitHub username and a classic GitHub Personal Access Token, just make sure that this token has the permissions to read/write repositories AND packages too.
export GITHUB_USER=<your github username>
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your github personal access token>
Let's verify that we have all we need before going further with FluxCD:
flux check --pre
If you see the following, it's all good!
► checking prerequisites
✔ Kubernetes 1.27.1 >=1.25.0-0
✔ prerequisites checks passed
Let's have flux go through the bootstrap process to create a new GitHub repository and link it to your freshly installed Kubernetes cluster. You will have to type or paste your GitHub personal access token.
flux bootstrap github \
--owner=$GITHUB_USER \
--repository=streaming-applications-gitops \
--context=kind-staging \
--branch=main \
--path=./clusters/staging \
Note that in this exercise, we're going to use a few flux create commands to create the files locally, but we're also going to write yaml files directly too to prove that there's nothing special about the flux create command. Ultimately, it's all about having the right files in the right place in the repo!
Once the bootstrap is done, when you list the namespaces, you should see that the flux bootstrap command has created a flux-system namespace:
kubectl get ns
This is what I got on my machine:
default Active 106s
flux-system Active 24s
kube-node-lease Active 106s
kube-public Active 106s
kube-system Active 106s
local-path-storage Active 102s
In order to make changes to your cluster, you must first clone the streaming-applications-gitops GitHub repository on your machine:
git clone$GITHUB_USER/streaming-applications-gitops
cd streaming-applications-gitops
A key concern when adopting GitOps is how you handle your secrets as it's out of question to store them in clear in the Git repository.
In order to store our secrets, we're not going to use the Sealed Secret option which I mentioned in the video course, but rely on Flux native secrets decryption instead. Flux built-in decryption feature works great with CNCF SOPS and Age encryption.
Let's install both tools:
brew install age sops
Generate a key pair with Age:
age-keygen -o private.agekey
Create a Kubernetes Secret in the flux-system namespace with the private key:
kubectl create secret generic sops-age --namespace=flux-system --from-file=private.agekey
Save the public key to a file in the repo:
age-keygen -y private.agekey > clusters/staging/public.agekey
Store the private key in a safe place like a Vault and only use it for disaster recovery. It's best to delete the private key from your filesystem to avoid pushing it upstream:
rm private.agekey
Before we move on and create the files necessary to deploy our apps, we're going to configure some infrastructure components.
mkdir -p infrastructure/controllers
mkdir -p infrastructure/staging
It's always nice to have a dashboard to see what's going on, so let's install the Weave GitOps Dashboard:
Install the open source Weave GitOps CLI with:
brew tap weaveworks/tap
brew install weaveworks/tap/gitops
Create the dashboard Helm Repository and Release configuration file with:
gitops create dashboard ww-gitops \
--password=$PASSWORD \
--export > infrastructure/controllers/weave-gitops-dashboard.yaml
Create the following Kustomization file as clusters/staging/infrastructure.yaml:
kind: Kustomization
name: infrastructure
namespace: flux-system
provider: sops
name: sops-age
interval: 2m
retryInterval: 1m
timeout: 5m
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
path: ./infrastructure/controllers
prune: true
wait: true
Remember, nothing will be deployed until we commit and push.
Commit and push our infrastructure components:
git add clusters infrastructure
git commit -m "Deploy infrastructure"
git push origin main
# this command will block until all things are ready (ks stands for kustomization)
flux reconcile ks flux-system --with-source
Once done, run the following command to wait for the infrastructure components to be installed:
flux reconcile ks infrastructure
When this command terminates, in a separate terminal, create a client tunnel by forwarding the service port to your host machine:
kubectl port-forward svc/ww-gitops-weave-gitops -n flux-system 9001:9001
Point your browser to http://localhost:9001, the login is admin and the password is admin too. You will be able to use the dashboard to understand what's going on and troubleshoot issues.
Next, let's configure application deployment.
Create the following directories:
mkdir -p apps/base/simple-streaming-app
mkdir -p apps/staging
Create the following Kubernetes Secret file to store the Confluent Cloud client properties (update the values with yours):
kubectl create secret generic client-credentials \
--from-literal=bootstrap-server=YOUR_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER \
--from-literal=cluster-api-key=YOUR_CLUSTER_API_KEY \
--from-literal=cluster-api-secret=YOUR_CLUSTER_API_SECRET \
--from-literal=schema-registry-url=YOUR_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL \
--from-literal=schema-registry-api-key=YOUR_SCHEMA-REGISTRY-API-KEY \
--from-literal=schema-registry-api-secret=YOUR_SCHEMA-REGISTRY-API-SECRET \
--dry-run=client \
--namespace=demo-apps \
-o yaml > apps/staging/client-credentials-secret.yaml
In my case, the client-credentials-secret.yaml file looks like this:
apiVersion: v1
bootstrap-server: WU9VUl********
cluster-api-key: WU9VUl********
cluster-api-secret: WU9VUl********
schema-registry-api-key: WU9VUl********
schema-registry-api-secret: WU9VUl********
schema-registry-url: WU9VUl********
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: null
name: client-credentials
Let's encrypt it in-place:
sops --age=$(cat clusters/staging/public.agekey) \
--encrypt --encrypted-regex '^(data|stringData)$' \
--in-place apps/staging/client-credentials-secret.yaml
If you open the apps/staging/client-credentials-secret.yaml file, you will see that the value of the data property has been encrypted.
Flux needs permission to access your Helm Charts registry in order to fetch the helm charts from your own private GitHub Container Registry.
Create a secret for your token:
flux create secret oci ghcr-auth \ \
--username=flux \
--password=${GITHUB_TOKEN} \
--export > apps/staging/ghcr-auth.yaml
Also encrypt the sensitive data with:
sops --age=$(cat clusters/staging/public.agekey) \
--encrypt --encrypted-regex '^(data|stringData)$' \
--in-place apps/staging/ghcr-auth.yaml
You also need to generate a docker registry secret, so that Flux can pull docker images from your own private GitHub Container Registry:
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-regcred \
--dry-run=client \ \
--docker-username=$GITHUB_USER \
--docker-password=$GITHUB_TOKEN \
--namespace=demo-apps \
-o yaml > apps/staging/docker-secret.yaml
Once again, encrypt the sensitive data in-place:
sops --age=$(cat clusters/staging/public.agekey) \
--encrypt --encrypted-regex '^(data|stringData)$' \
--in-place apps/staging/docker-secret.yaml
Create a file apps/base/simple-streaming-app/namespace.yaml to have the namespace automatically created too:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: demo-apps
labels: demo-dev-team
Create a file apps/base/simple-streaming-app/release.yaml:
kind: HelmRelease
name: simple-streaming-app
namespace: demo-apps
interval: 10m # check for drift in-cluster
releaseName: simple-streaming-app
chart: simple-streaming-app
reconcileStrategy: ChartVersion
interval: 2m # check for new chart versions every two minutes
kind: HelmRepository
name: simple-streaming-app-helm-repo
retries: -1 # retry forever for demo purpose
retries: -1 # retry forever for demo purpose
Create a flux source for the application Helm Repository
flux create source helm simple-streaming-app-helm-repo \
--url=oci://$GITHUB_USER/charts \
--interval=1m \
--namespace=demo-apps \
--secret-ref=docker-regcred \
--export > apps/base/simple-streaming-app/repository.yaml
Finally, create a Kustomization file apps/base/simple-streaming-app/kustomization.yaml:
kind: Kustomization
namespace: demo-apps
- namespace.yaml
- repository.yaml
- release.yaml
We're going to customize the versions of the helm chart versions we allow to deploy in the staging cluster. Create the file apps/staging/simple-streaming-app-values.yaml:
kind: HelmRelease
name: simple-streaming-app
namespace: demo-apps
version: ">=0.1-alpha"
enable: false
Finally, create the Kustomization file apps/staging/kustomization.yaml:
kind: Kustomization
- ../base/simple-streaming-app
- docker-secret.yaml
- client-credentials-secret.yaml
- path: simple-streaming-app-values.yaml
kind: HelmRelease
Note that in this hands-on exercise, for the sake of brevity, we're going to build and package the app manually instead of building a CI/CD pipeline.
Fork the repository under your own username and then clone it on your machine.
git clone$GITHUB_USER/simple-streaming-app && cd simple-streaming-app
In the deploy/simple-streaming-app/values.yaml file, replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME with your own GitHub username.
Next, log into the GitHub Container Registry with Docker:
echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u $GITHUB_USER --password-stdin
First, let's build the Docker image:
docker build -t$GITHUB_USER/simple-streaming-app:0.1.0 .
docker push$GITHUB_USER/simple-streaming-app:0.1.0
Next up, log into the Helm Registry:
echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | helm registry login$GITHUB_USER --username $GITHUB_USER --password-stdin
Let's build the application helm chart package:
cd deploy
helm package simple-streaming-app
Finally, publish it to GitHub Container Registry under /charts:
export CHART_VERSION=$(grep 'version:' ./simple-streaming-app/Chart.yaml | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
helm push ./simple-streaming-app-${CHART_VERSION}.tgz oci://$GITHUB_USER/charts/
Point your browser to your own Helm Chart repository and verify that it's there:
Before we deploy the application, we need the topic in Confluent Cloud. You can either:
For the sake of brevity, just create the users topic manually in the Confluent Cloud UI console.
Our last step is to actually deploy the application in the staging cluster.
You must create the following file as clusters/staging/apps.yaml:
kind: Kustomization
name: apps
namespace: flux-system
- name: infrastructure
provider: sops
name: sops-age
interval: 1m0s
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
path: ./apps/staging
prune: true
wait: true
timeout: 1m0s
It's time to deploy the applications, you just have to commit and push:
git add apps clusters
git commit -m "Deploy apps"
git push origin main
Once the application deployment is reconciled, you will see that messages will be published every 30 seconds in the users topic in your Confluent Cloud Cluster.
The Flux dashboard at http://localhost:9001 should now be showing all the deployed components:
You can also drill down in each one and display a relationship graph, e.g. for simple-streaming-app:
Let's verify that publishing a new version of the application will have it deployed automatically.
Update and change the name and email from John and to Jane and
Bump version and appVersion values in Charts.yaml to 0.2.0
In the top directory of the repo, run
docker build -t$GITHUB_USER/simple-streaming-app:0.2.0 .
docker push$GITHUB_USER/simple-streaming-app:0.2.0
Package the new Helm chart with cd deploy && helm package simple-streaming-app
Publish it to with:
export CHART_VERSION=$(grep 'version:' ./simple-streaming-app/Chart.yaml | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
helm push ./simple-streaming-app-${CHART_VERSION}.tgz oci://$GITHUB_USER/charts/
Wait for a moment, and you will see new messages published with Jane, congratulations!
If you encounter an error, first validate that all your files are valid by using the script here, note that you need to brew install kustomize kubeconform to run the script.
If you want to check that you have configured the apps kustomization correctly run
flux tree kustomization apps
The output should be:
├── Namespace/demo-apps
├── Secret/demo-apps/client-credentials
├── Secret/demo-apps/docker-regcred
├── HelmRelease/demo-apps/simple-streaming-app
│ ├── ServiceAccount/demo-apps/simple-streaming-app
│ ├── Service/demo-apps/simple-streaming-app
│ └── Deployment/demo-apps/simple-streaming-app
└── HelmRepository/demo-apps/simple-streaming-app-helm-repo
Use the flux events command or the UI dashboard to see the events that occurred in Flux.
If you want to go further, you can :
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