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course: Hybrid and Multicloud Architecture with Apache Kafka

Additional Resources for Hybrid and Multicloud Architectures

2 min

Dan Weston

Senior Curriculum Developer

This module has some additional resources for setting up and maintaining your hybrid cloud, including links and other resources.

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Additional Resources for Hybrid and Multicloud Architectures

Before we go, I wanted to provide you with a few resources for continuing your Hybrid Cloud journey.

Links to these resources are also found in the student guide for this course on

First, we have the official documentation sites for each of the Hybrid cloud solutions we talked about in this course,

Cluster Linking,

The Apache Kafka documentation for geo-replication, which includes MirrorMaker 2,

And Confluent Replicator.

Depending on the reason for setting up your hybrid cloud I also recommend checking out the sections on Cluster Migration,

Data Sharing,

And Disaster Recovery.

There are also other topics that we didn’t cover in the course that should also be reviewed.

Including sections for managing audit logs, metrics and monitoring, some FAQs, and Troubleshooting.

Be sure to bookmark the commands page as well as it provides a quick reference for the various commands you’ll need to manage your Cluster linked environments.

If you didn’t take the previous module I highly recommend going back and taking a look.

This tutorial walks you through setting up an on-premise Confluent Platform cluster and connecting it to Confluent Cloud.

Then, the challenge is to add another location, ideally on the other side of the world, and experience how easy it is to configure a global hybrid cloud.

Last, but not least, I recommend heading to the Confluent blog and searching for Cluster Link.

You’ll find quite a few articles, tutorials, and other useful resources.

Thank you for joining me in this course, and I hope it has helped you understand more about creating a hybrid or multicloud architecture.

While it may seem like a daunting task, I hope this course has helped.

Thanks again, and until next time.

If you aren't already on Confluent Developer, head there now using the link in the video description to access the rest of this course, the hands-on exercises, and additional resources.

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