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Apache Kafka and Event-Driven Architecture FAQs

Most frequently asked questions and answers about event-driven architecture, event sourcing, stream processing, and more Apache Kafka technologies.

What is event-driven architecture?

An event-driven architecture is an architecture based on producing, consuming, and reacting to events, either within a single application or as part of an intersystem communication model. Events are communicated via event streams, and interested consumers can subscribe to the event streams and process the events for their own business purposes.

Why use an event-driven architecture?

Event-driven architecture enables loose coupling of producers and consumers via event streams, and is often used in conjunction with microservices. The event streams provide a mechanism of asynchronous communication across the organization, so that each participating service can be independently created, scaled, and maintained. Event-driven architectures are resistant to the impact of intermittent service failures, as events can simply be processed when the service comes back up. This is in contrast to REST API / HTTP communication, where a request will be lost if the server fails to reply.

What is an event stream?

An event stream is a durable and replayable sequence of well-defined domain events. Consumers independently consume and process the events according to their business logic requirements.

A topic in Apache Kafka in an example of an event stream.

What are the benefits of streaming data?

Streaming data enables you to create applications and services that react to events as they happen, in real time. Your business can respond to changing conditions as they occur, altering priorities and making accommodations as necessary. The same streams of operational events can also be used to generate analytics and real-time insights into current operations.

Check out the free courses to learn more about the benefits of thinking in events as well as building streaming data pipelines.

What is event sourcing?

Event sourcing is the capture of all changes to the state of an object, frequently as a series of events stored in an event stream. These events, replayed in the sequence in which they occurred, can be used to reconstruct both the intermediate and final states of the object.

What is an event broker?

An event broker hosts event streams so that other applications can consume from and publish to the streams via a publish/subscribe protocol. Kafka's event brokers are usually set up to be distributed, durable, and resilient to failures, to enable big data scale event-driven communication in real time.

What is stream processing?

Stream processing is an architectural pattern where an application consumes event streams and processes them, optionally emitting its own resultant events to a new set of event streams. The application may be stateless, or it may also build internal state based on the consumed events. Stream processing is usually implemented with a dedicated stream processing technology, such as Kafka Streams or ksqlDB.

What’s the difference between a queue and a topic?

Topics (also known as Event streams) are durable and partitioned, and they can be read by multiple consumers as many times as necessary. They are often used to communicate state and to provide a replayable source of truth for consumers.

Queues are usually unpartitioned and are frequently used as an input buffer for work that needs to be done. Usually, each message in a queue is dequeued, processed, and deleted by a single consumer.

What is distributed computing?

Distributed computing is an architecture in which components of a single system are located on different networked computers. These components communicate and coordinate their actions across the network, either using direct API calls or by sending messages to each other.

What is a microservice?

A microservice is a standalone and independently deployable application, hosted inside of a container or virtual machine. A microservice is purpose-built to serve a well-defined and focused set of business functions, and communicates with other microservices through either event streams or direct request-response APIs. Microservices typically leverage a common compute resource platform to streamline deployments, monitoring, logging, and dynamic scaling.

Read more about microservices and Kafka in this blog series.

What is CQRS?

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an application architecture that separates commands (modifications to data) from queries (accessing data). This pattern is often used alongside event sourcing in event-driven architectures.

You can learn more about CQRS as part of the free Event Sourcing and Event Storage with Apache Kafka® training course

What is a REST API?

A REST API is an Application Programming Interface (API) that adheres to the constraints of the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style. REST API is often used as an umbrella term to describe a client and server communicating via HTTP(S).

You can use the REST Proxy to send and receive messages from Apache Kafka.

What is a data lake?

A data lake is a centralized repository for storing a broad assortment of data sourced from across an organization, for the primary purpose of cross-domain analytical computation. Data may be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, and is usually used in combination with big data batch processing tools.

Data may be loaded into a data lake in batch, but is commonly done by streaming data into it from Kafka.

What is data mesh?

Data mesh is an approach to solving data communication problems in an organization by treating data with the same amount of rigor as any other product. It is founded on four pillars: data as a product, domain ownership, federated governance, and self-service infrastructure. This strategy is a formal and well-supported approach for providing reliable, trustworthy, and effective access to data across an organization.

What is real-time data analysis?

Real-time data analysis, also known as streaming analytics, refers to the processing of streams of data in real time to extract important business results. This processing is usually implemented with a dedicated stream processing technology, such as Kafka Streams or ksqlDB.

What is an enterprise service bus?

An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a software platform that routes and distributes data among connected applications, without requiring sending applications to know the identity or destination of receiving applications. ESBs differ from Kafka in several key ways. ESBs typically have specialized routing logic, whereas Kafka leaves routing to the application management side. ESBs also do not generally support durable and replayable events, a key feature for services using Kafka.

This blog discusses in more detail the similarities and differences between Kafka and ESBs.

Learn more with these free training courses

Apache Kafka® 101

Apache Kafka® 101

Learn how Kafka works, how to use it, and how to get started.

Spring Framework and Apache Kafka®

Spring Framework and Apache Kafka®

This hands-on course will show you how to build event-driven applications with Spring Boot and Kafka Streams.

Building Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka® and Confluent

Building Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka® and Confluent

Build a scalable, streaming data pipeline in under 20 minutes using Kafka and Confluent.

Confluent Cloud is a fully managed Apache Kafka service available on all three major clouds. Try it for free today.

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