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Event Splitter

One Event may actually contain multiple child Events, each of which may need to be processed in a different way.


How can an Event be split into multiple Events for distinct processing?


event-splitter Split the original Event into multiple child Events. Then publish one Event for each of the child Events.


Many event processing technologies support this operation. The streaming database ksqlDB provides an EXPLODE() table function, which takes an array and outputs one value for each of the elements of the array. The example below processes each input Event, un-nesting the array and generating new Events for each element, with new column names.

        FROM my_stream EMIT CHANGES;

The Apache Kafka® client library Kafka Streams has an analogous method, called flatMap(). The example below processes each input Event and generates new Events, with new keys and values.

KStream<Long, String> myStream = ...;
KStream<String, Integer> splitStream = myStream.flatMap(
    (eventKey, eventValue) -> {
      List<KeyValue<String, Integer>> result = new LinkedList<>();
      result.add(KeyValue.pair(eventValue.toUpperCase(), 1000));
      result.add(KeyValue.pair(eventValue.toLowerCase(), 9000));
      return result;

Or, as my grandmother used to say:

There once was a man from Manhattan,
With Events that he needed to flatten.
He cooked up a scheme
To call flatMap on stream,
Then he wrote it all down as a pattern.


  • If you have child Events that must be routed to different Event Streams, see the Event Router pattern, used to route Events to different locations.
  • For capacity planning and sizing, consider that splitting the original Event into N child Events leads to write amplification, increasing the volume of Events that must be managed by the Event Streaming Platform.
  • A use case may require that you track the lineage of parent and child Events. If so, ensure that the child Events include a data field containing a reference to the original parent Event (for example, a unique identifier).


  • This pattern is derived from Splitter in Enterprise Integration Patterns, by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf.

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