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Event Store

When considering an architecture based on an Event Streaming Platform, the first fundamental question is, "How do we store our events?" This isn't as obvious as it first sounds, as we have to consider persistence, query performance, write throughput, availability, auditing and many other concerns. This decision will affect all the ones that follow.


How can events be stored such that they form a reliable source of truth for applications?


event store

Incoming events are stored in an Event Stream, implemented as an append-only log. By choosing this data structure, we can guarantee constant-time (Θ(1)) writes, lock-free concurrent reads, and straightforward replication across multiple machines.


Apache Kafka® is an event store that maintains a persistent, append-only stream — a topic — for each kind of event we need to store. These topics are:

  • Write-efficient - an append-only log is one of the fastest, cheapest data structures to write to.
  • Read efficient - multiple readers (cf. Event Processor) can consume the same stream without blocking.
  • Durable - all events are written to storage (e.g., local disk, network storage device), either synchronously (for maximum reliability) or asynchronously (for maximum throughput). Events can be as long-lived as needed, and even stored forever.
  • Highly-available - each event is written to multiple storage devices and replicated across multiple machines, and in the case of failure one of the redundant machines takes over.
  • Auditable - every change is captured and persisted. Every result can be traced back to its source event(s).


It's worth briefly contrasting Apache Kafka® with message queues and relational databases.

While queues also concern themselves with a stream of events, they often consider events as short-lived, independent messages. A message may only exist in memory, or it may be durable enough for data to survive server restarts, but in general they aren't intended to hold on to events for months or even years. Further, their querying capabilities may be limited to simple filtering, offloading more complex queries like joins and aggregations to the application level.

In contrast, relational databases are very good at maintaining a persistent state of the world in perpetuity, and answering arbitrary questions about it, but they often fall short on auditing - answering which events led up to the current state - and on liveness - what new events do we need to consider. They are predominantly designed for use cases that operate on data at rest, whereas an Event Store is designed from the ground up for data in motion and event streaming.

By beginning with a fundamental data-structure for event capture, and building on that to provide long-term persistence and arbitrary analysis capabilities, Apache Kafka® provides an ideal choice of event store for modern, data-driven architectures.


Confluent Cloud is a fully managed Apache Kafka service available on all three major clouds. Try it for free today.

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