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October 28, 2019 | Episode 63

Data Integration with Apache Kafka and Attunity

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From change data capture (CDC) to business development, connecting Apache Kafka® environments, and customer success stories, Graham Hainbach discusses the possibilities of data integration with Kafka and Attunity using Replicate, Compose, and Enterprise Manager. He also shares real-life examples of how Attunity best leverages Kafka in their systems.

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Episode 64October 30, 2019 | 46 min

Kafka Screams: The Scariest JIRAs and How To Survive Them ft. Anna McDonald

In today's spooktacular episode of Streaming Audio, Anna McDonald discusses six of the scariest Apache Kafka® JIRAs.

Episode 65November 4, 2019 | 56 min

The Pro’s Guide to Fully Managed Apache Kafka Services ft. Ricardo Ferreira

What's the difference between a hosted solution and a managed solution? What about a partially managed solution versus a fully managed one? Ricardo Ferreira breaks down what a managed Kafka service truly means and why every developer should care.

Episode 66November 6, 2019 | 49 min

ETL and Event Streaming Explained ft. Stewart Bryson

Stewart Bryson dispels misconceptions around what “streaming ETL” means, and explains why event streaming and event-driven architectures compel us to rethink old approaches.

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If there's something you want to know about Apache Kafka, Confluent or event streaming, please send us an email with your question and we'll hope to answer it on the next episode of Ask Confluent.

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