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November 4, 2019 | Episode 65

The Pro’s Guide to Fully Managed Apache Kafka Services ft. Ricardo Ferreira

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Several definitions of a fully managed Apache Kafka® service have floated around, but Ricardo Ferreira (Developer Advocate, Confluent) breaks down what it truly means and why every developer should care. Addressing a handful of questions around Apache Kafka®, Confluent Cloud, hosted solutions, and how they all work, Ricardo describes the benefits of using a fully managed service as a means of simplifying the lives of developers and letting them get back to building—which is why they started out as developers in the first place! 

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Episode 66November 6, 2019 | 49 min

ETL and Event Streaming Explained ft. Stewart Bryson

Stewart Bryson dispels misconceptions around what “streaming ETL” means, and explains why event streaming and event-driven architectures compel us to rethink old approaches.

Episode 67November 13, 2019 | 31 min

Securing the Cloud with VPC Peering ft. Daniel LaMotte

With a virtual private cloud (VPC)—your own private network in the cloud that you can launch your own instances into—you can secure your cloud infrastructure and minimize the threat of potential attackers with VPC Peering, connecting VPCs together to create a path between them to keep your data safe and accessible to you alone.

Episode 68November 18, 2019 | 46 min

Installing Apache Kafka with Ansible ft. Viktor Gamov and Justin Manchester

Ansible keeps your Apache Kafka® deployment, management, and installation consistent, and helps you implement best practices that make it easy to get started. Justin Manchester (Platform DevOps Engineer, Confluent) and Viktor Gamov (Developer Advocate, Confluent) discuss the problems that Ansible is trying to solve, enabling collaboration and optimizing all components for top performance.

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If there's something you want to know about Apache Kafka, Confluent or event streaming, please send us an email with your question and we'll hope to answer it on the next episode of Ask Confluent.

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