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Process Messages with KafkaStreams and Spring Boot

6 min
Viktor Gamov

Viktor Gamov

Developer Advocate (Presenter)

Process Messages with Kafka Streams and Spring Boot

The great thing about using Kafka Streams with Spring Boot is that you can quickly start focusing on your Kafka Streams topologies—your KStreams and your KTables—because you don’t need to worry about lifecycles. Spring takes care of them. This means that you don’t need to manually create an instance of a Kafka Streams object, start it and stop it, etc. However, you can still get access to the object if you need it.

To autoconfigure Kafka Streams support in Spring Boot, you simply need to add the annotation @EnableKafkaStreams. If you have Kafka Streams JARs in your classpath, they will be picked up by the autoconfiguration. Alternatively, you can enable your configuration explicitly.

Spring provides a Jackson-based JSON SerDes plus a SerDes for Kafka Streams. So in the use cases where you don’t need to rely on Confluent Schema Registry—for example, if you are writing a standalone application—the JSON serialization works out of the box.

If you need to monitor your application, which you generally should, Kafka Streams exposes some methods through JMX, and Spring for Apache Kafka provides a wrapper around those metrics and makes them available through the Micrometer framework. This allows you to consume the metrics with other frameworks and dashboard tools. In addition, Spring provides some out-of-the-box implementations for error handling.

Here is a typical configuration for Kafka Streams in Spring Boot:

    public class KafkaStreamsConfig {

        @Bean(name = 
        public KafkaStreamsConfiguration kStreamsConfigs() {
            return new KafkaStreamsConfiguration(Map.of(
                APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "testStreams",
                BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092",
                DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.Integer().getClass().getName(),
                DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName(),
                DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_CONFIG, WallclockTimestampExtractor.class.getName()


Note the explicit annotations at the top for enabling Kafka and Kafka Streams. Also note that in the bean here, you can provide a customized configuration for your Kafka Streams application, providing application ID, bootstrap server connection, details of a Kafka broker, etc. Or, you can define your config in, and this Kafka Streams bean is created by default and would be available for instantiating a Kafka Streams instance.

To build your Streams topology, you need a StreamsBuilder as an input parameter. Spring Boot can create it with defaults or you can do it explicitly. Once you have your StreamsBuilder in place, you will get access to all of the APIs available in Kafka Streams and it becomes just like a regular Kafka Streams application. Spring’s wrapper on top of Kafka Streams is very thin so you can focus on your business logic.

    public KStream <Integer, String> kStream (StreamsBuilder kStreamBuilder) {
		KStream<integer, String> stream ="streamingTopic1");
    		.mapValues((ValueMapper<String, String>) String::toUpperCase)
    		.reduce((String value1, String value2) -> value1 + value2,"windowStore"))
    		.map((windowedId, value) -> new KeyValue <>(windowedId.key(), value))
    		.filter((i, s) -> s.length() > 40)
		return stream;

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