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August 12, 2019 | Episode 47

Connecting Apache Cassandra to Apache Kafka with Jeff Carpenter from DataStax

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Whenever you see an Apache Cassandra™ in the wild, you probably also see an Apache Kafka®️. In this episode, Tim Berglund (Senior Director of Developer Experience, Confluent) and Jeff Carpenter (Director of Developer Advocacy, DataStax) discuss the best way to get those systems talking using the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector and build a real-time data pipeline.


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Episode 48August 19, 2019 | 42 min

Teaching Apache Kafka Online with Stéphane Maarek

Streaming Audio welcomes Stéphane Maarek to discuss how he got started with online teaching on Udemy, the challenges he faces as an instructor, his approach to answering hard questions, and the projects he is currently working on.

Episode 49August 21, 2019 | 50 min

Contributing to Open Source with the Kafka Connect MongoDB Sink ft. Hans-Peter Grahsl

Tim Berglund invites Hans-Peter Grahsl to share about his involvement in the Apache Kafka® project, spanning from several conference contributions all the way to his open source community sink connector for MongoDB, now part of the official MongoDB Kafka connector code base.

Episode 50August 28, 2019 | 52 min

Helping Healthcare with Apache Kafka and KSQL ft. Ramesh Sringeri

Tim Berglund sits down with Ramesh Sringeri to discuss two Kafka use cases that Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is working on: achieving near-real-time streams of data to support meaningful intracranial pressure prediction and better manage intracranial pressure, and testing machine learning models with KSQL, Kafka Streams, and Kafka.

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If there's something you want to know about Apache Kafka, Confluent or event streaming, please send us an email with your question and we'll hope to answer it on the next episode of Ask Confluent.

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