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Hands On: Apply Lambda Functions to Arrays and Maps

2 min

Allison Walther

Integration Architect (Presenter)

Hands On: Apply Lambda Functions to Arrays and Maps

In this exercise, learn how to add lambda functions to queries.

Transform Function

Create a Stream with a MAP

  1. Create a stream1 with exam scores as a MAP field:

    CREATE STREAM stream1 (
        id INT, name VARCHAR,
        exam_scores MAP<STRING, DOUBLE>
    ) WITH (
        kafka_topic = 'topic1', partitions = 1,
        value_format = 'json'

    Click Run query.

Create a Stream Using Transform

  1. Create a stream transformed using the TRANSFORM function:

    CREATE STREAM transformed 
        AS SELECT id, name,
        TRANSFORM(exam_scores,(k, v) => UCASE(k), (k, v) => (ROUND(v))) AS rounded_scores
    FROM stream1 EMIT CHANGES;

    Click Run query.

Insert Data and Query

  1. Insert some data into stream1:

    INSERT into stream1 values(1, 'Lisa', MAP('Nov':=93.53, 'Feb':=94.13, 'May':=96.83));
    INSERT into stream1 values(1, 'Larry', MAP('Nov':=83.53, 'Feb':=84.82, 'May':=85.27));
    INSERT into stream1 values(1, 'Melissa', MAP('Nov':=97.20, 'Feb':=96.47, 'May':=98.62));
    INSERT into stream1 values(1, 'Chris', MAP('Nov':=92.78, 'Feb':=91.15, 'May':=93.91));

    Click Run query.

  2. Run a query on the transformed stream:

    SELECT * FROM transformed EMIT CHANGES;

    Click Run query, and then scroll down to see the results.

Reduce Function

Create a Stream with an ARRAY

  1. Create stream2 with a points ARRAY field:

    CREATE STREAM stream2 (
        name VARCHAR,
        points ARRAY<INTEGER>
    ) WITH (
        kafka_topic = 'topic2', partitions = 1,
        value_format = 'json'

    Click Run query.

Create a Stream Using Reduce

  1. Create a reduced stream using the REDUCE function.

    CREATE STREAM reduced 
        AS SELECT name,
        REDUCE(points,0,(s,x)=> (s+x)) AS total
    FROM stream2 EMIT CHANGES;

    Click Run query.

Insert Data and Query

  1. Insert some data into stream2:

    INSERT INTO stream2 VALUES('Misty', Array[7, 5, 8, 8, 6]);
    INSERT INTO stream2 VALUES('Marty', Array[3, 5, 4, 6, 4]);
    INSERT INTO stream2 VALUES('Mary', Array[9, 7, 8, 7, 8]);
    INSERT INTO stream2 VALUES('Mickey', Array[8, 6, 8, 7, 5]);

    Click Run query.

  2. Run a query on the reduced stream:


    Click Run query, and then scroll down to see the results.

Filter Function

Create a Stream with an ARRAY

  1. Create a stream3 with a numbers ARRAY field:

    CREATE STREAM stream3 (
        id VARCHAR,
        numbers ARRAY<INTEGER>
    ) WITH (
        kafka_topic = 'topic3', partitions = 1,
        value_format = 'json'

    Click Run query.

Create a Stream with Filter

  1. Create a filtered stream using the FILTER function:

    CREATE STREAM filtered 
        AS SELECT id,
        FILTER(numbers,x => (x%2 = 0)) AS even_numbers
    FROM stream3 EMIT CHANGES;

    Click Run query.

Insert Data and Query

  1. Insert some data into stream3:

    INSERT INTO stream3 VALUES('Group1', ARRAY[1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]);

    Click Run query.

  2. Create a push query to run on the filtered stream:


    Click Run query and scroll down to see the results.

  3. As this is the last exercise in the course, make sure to delete your ksqlDB application. To delete, click ksqlDB on the left-hand side menu, then select Delete under Actions. Enter your application's name, then click Continue.

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Hands On: Apply Lambda Functions to Arrays and Maps

Let's review how lambdas work through this exercise. The first thing that I want us to do is to create a stream1 with exam_scores as the map field. Next, create a stream called transform using the transform function. Let's insert some data into stream1. Go ahead and run a push query on the transformed stream and scroll down to see the results. We're gonna move on and show you how to use the reduce function. Create stream2 with a points array field. Let's create a reduced stream using the reduce function. Go ahead and insert some data into stream2. Run a push query on the reduced stream and scroll down to see those results. Lastly, let's create a stream3 with the numbers array field. Create a filtered stream using the filter function. Insert some data into stream3. Go ahead and run a push query on the filtered stream and scroll down to see the results. This exercise used transform, reduce, and filter functions to show you how lambdas work.

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