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Hands On: Transforming Data with ksqlDB

2 min

Allison Walther

Integration Architect (Presenter)

Hands On: Transforming Data with ksqlDB


  • In the video, there are a few commands to run before being able to follow Allison's instructions. These are just below, in the first step.

Continuing with the orders stream from previous exercises, this exercise teaches you how to transform data in ksqlDB.

Query an Existing Stream and Inspect the Data

  1. Begin by deleting the streams created previously:

    DROP STREAM orders_enriched DELETE TOPIC;

    then, create another orders stream with:

    CREATE STREAM orders (ordertime BIGINT, orderid INTEGER, itemid VARCHAR, orderunits INTEGER, address STRUCT < street VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, state VARCHAR>)

    finally, insert some data into it:

    INSERT INTO orders VALUES (1620504934723, 70, 'item_5', 1,
    STRUCT(street:='210 West Veterans Drive', city:='Sacramento', state:='California Foo2'));
    INSERT INTO orders VALUES (16205059321941, 72, 'item_6', 9,
    STRUCT(street:='10043 Bella Vista Blvd', city:='Oakland', state:='California'));
    INSERT INTO orders VALUES (1620503083019, 77, 'item_7', 12,
    STRUCT(street:='10083 Garvey Ave', city:='Rosemead', state:='California'));
  2. Next, select everything from the orders stream:


    Click Run query.

  3. Scroll down to see the returned records. View the structure of one of the records by clicking on the caret in its upper left-hand corner.


Now Stop your orders query.

Create a Persistent Transformation

  1. Create a persistent transformation with no address data:

    CREATE STREAM orders_no_address AS
    SELECT TIMESTAMPTOSTRING(ordertime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS order_timestamp, orderid, itemid, orderunits

Inspect the Transformed Stream

  1. Now select from the transformed stream:

    SELECT * FROM orders_no_address EMIT CHANGES;

    Click Run query.

    Expand the record to see the transformed data.

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Hands On: Transforming Data with ksqlDB

In this exercise, we're gonna transform data. We're continue on with this order stream that we had used in a previous example. First, let's start off by selecting everything from the order stream. Go ahead and run the query. When you scroll down, you'll see a set of records. Go ahead and expand one of those records to see the structure. Next, stop our orders query. Let's create a persistent transformation. Go ahead and append create stream as to the statement before select. Run the query. Now we'll go ahead and select from our transformed stream. Run that query. Expand the record to see how the transformed data looks. That's it; you've created a set of transformed records that will be persistent, even as new records show up.

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