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Hands On: Receiving Messages with KafkaListener

7 min
Viktor Gamov

Viktor Gamov

Developer Advocate (Presenter)

Hands On: Receiving Messages with KafkaListener

Note: This exercise is part of a larger course. You are expected to have completed the previous exercises.

Note that this exercise builds upon the Introduction to Spring Boot for Confluent Cloud and Sending Messages to Confluent Cloud with Spring Boot exercises. You can see the code for modules 1–10 in a combined GitHub repo and you can also refer there for a list of imports as well as a sample build.gradle file.

Create a Consumer, Set a Deserializer and Inspect Your Console Data

  1. First, create a new Consumer class with a method consume and an annotation with the topic that you’d like to listen to, as well as a groupId. You can simply print the messages received:

      class Consumer {
          @KafkaListener(topics= {"hobbit"}, groupId="spring-boot-kafka")
          public void consume(String quote) {
              System.out.println("received= " + quote);
  2. You also need to specify a deserializer for your messages in


    (In future lessons, you will use more complex serialization/deserialization types as well as schemas.)

  3. Restart your application, and you should eventually see hobbit messages arrive in your console.

Inspect Your Data on Confluent Cloud

  1. In Confluent Cloud, go to Consumers on the left-side menu.


You’ll see the group “spring-boot-kafka,” which you specified in your code under groupId. You can see that the consumer group is using all six partitions in your topic, and you can see offsets and consumer lag:


  1. Now if you click on hobbit on the same screen (under Topic), then Data Lineage, you can see the topic and its dependencies, i.e., your producer and consumer apps:


Adjust Parameters in Your Java Application

  1. Note that you can change the names of your consumer and producer back in your Java application under

  2. You can also get information about your keys by changing your consume method and injecting a ConsumerRecord for type:

    class Consumer {
        @KafkaListener(topics = {"hobbit"}, groupId = "spring-boot-kafka")
        public void consume(ConsumerRecord<Integer, String> record) {
          System.out.println("received = " + record.value() + " with key " + record.key());

    Run your application again and you will see keys for each message.

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