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Solving the Dual-Write Problem

June 13, 2024

The dual-write problem is a classic snag when it comes to architecting microservices. You might be writing a message about an event to Kafka and to a database… what if the message makes it to the database but not to Kafka? There are ways to avoid this scenario… in our resources today, Wade Waldron discusses it in his blog post and gives other microservice tips in video fashion.

We have a big announcement: confluent-kafka-javascript is in early access! Lucia Cerchie offers us a write up on Medium.

In addition, we’re featuring a blog post from Michelin on designing topologies, a YouTube short on the difference between idempotent and transactional producers, and a blog post comparing Apache Iceberg to Delta Lake. Dig in!

Data Streaming Resources:

  • Using confluent-kafka-javascript: Notes for Beginners. Learn about Confluent’s new JavaScript client for Kafka (early access) and get some practical tips on getting started with it, in this Medium post by Lucia Cerchie.

  • Will Apache Iceberg win over Delta Lake? Gilles Philippart holds forth in this Medium post.

  • A new case study from our microservices course. Wade Waldron walks through a concrete example of one of the initial steps of decomposing a monolith: defining an API.

  • Ever found yourself scrolling through dozens of Kafka topics? The Data Portal and Apache Flink in Confluent Cloud can help with that! Watch Gilles Philippart’s video to get a tutorial.

  • What’s the difference between idempotent and transactional Kafka producers? It’s subtle, but Justine Olshan nails it in a YouTube short.

  • Solving the dual-write problem: Wade Waldron guides us through a solution in this blog post.

  • Turning the data from a REST API into a data stream: get a tutorial in this video from Lucia Cerchie or read and clone the original demo in this repository.

  • Designing Kafka Streams Applications: Get a peek into the topology design process at Michelin

  • Tips for decomposing a monolith from Wade Waldron: the latest installment of the Designing Event-Driven Microservices course

A Droplet From Stack Overflow:

Want to learn more about the difference between watermark delay and allowed lateness for Flink windows, read here.

Got your own favorite Stack Overflow answer related to Flink or Kafka? Send it in to !

Terminal Tip of the Week:

Let’s learn the art of increasing the replication factor of an existing partition within a Kafka topic using a Kafka CLI! For Kafka administrators, adding replicas might come in as a late but urgent request from development teams. The following CLI sequence of commands quickly adds replicas to partitions with single replicas.

Let’s create a leaders topic with replication-factor 1 and partitions 1, for a Kafka cluster with 3 brokers (Ids : 1, 2 and 3).

bin/ --create --bootstrap-server <HOST:PORT> --topic leaders --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Let’s check the partition assignment by running a kafka-topics —describe:

bin/ --bootstrap-server <HOST:PORT> --topic leaders --describe


Topic: leaders  
TopicId: _ikEsj89QcG18YEeMVX-Ag 
PartitionCount: 1       
ReplicationFactor: 1    
Configs: segment.bytes=1073741824     
Topic: leaders  
Partition: 0    
Leader: 2       
Replicas: 2     
Isr: 2

Partition 0 is assigned broker 2 and the replica is only [2]. Now, let’s create a custom partition-reassignment json file to add brokers 1 and 3 as replicas, and save it as increase-replication-factor.json:


This reassignment will now add brokers 1 and 3 as well, to store replicas of partition 0.

Let’s run with the --execute option, so that the custom partitioner strategy is executed:

bin/ --bootstrap-server <HOST:PORT> --reassignment-json-file increase-replication-factor.json --execute


Successfully started partition reassignment for leaders-0

Now, let’s check if the partition reassignment was successful or not, by checking replicas:

Topic: leaders  
TopicId: _ikEsj89QcG18YEeMVX-Ag 
PartitionCount: 1       
ReplicationFactor: 3    
Configs: segment.bytes=1073741824    
Topic: leaders  
Partition: 0    
Leader: 2       
Replicas: 1,2,3 
Isr: 2,3,1

The replication is perfectly increased to [1,2,3] from [2] for partition ‘0’.

This tool comes in very handy for Kafka administrators, in case a partition is short of replicas and needs replicas to be added. Although, for large topics with lots of partition replicas, this tool should be used with caution.

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By the way…

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